Fishing help


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Chiggers are bright red and are generally found only singly whereas tick larvae are often found in clumps. Tick Larvae are most often encountered in large numbers on roads and trails where deer walk that have high grass and brush.The ticks gorge themselves on deer blood then fall off,most often on trails where deer spend much of their time walking,bedding areas will also be loaded.The tick now protein fortified will lay their eggs where they fall on the trail.When the little bastards hatch out several days later they ascend in mass up the nearest vertical plant they can find and hold on and wait for their prey to pass by (warm blooded mammals and yep,thats me and you) They can wait for months no problem.They are sensitive to smell and air currents caused by moving prey just as their parents were and when they sense something headed their way stretch out with their front claws to grasp it as it walks by. Tick larvae are a brick reddish brown colored,not bright red like a chigger and tick larvae like ticks have eight legs for they are arachnids not insects.Chiggers have six legs as a good insect should.
Heres a little more info
Chances are greatly in favor of your getting tick larvae instead of true chiggers but everyone around here calls tick larvare chiggers and I didn't know the difference most of my life and still call them chiggers and always will so I doubt anyone here will nitpick the difference just like no one here will have anything to say about you calling H20 Wooder,we all do.
Aug 28, 2012
Jackson, NJ
Two seasons ago my neighbor started fishing and I took it back up after a 30 year layoff. Fished the whole season w/ out buying a licnese. Last year I got one the first time we stopped to get bait and was checked later that same day! I'm sure the $22.00 it cost [no trout stamp] was alot less than the fine!
I'm 70+ so I no longer need a fishing license in NJ, and have a lifetime license in GA.
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Nov 19, 2023
Sea Isle City, NJ
NJ is actually quite reasonable at $22.50 for a fishing license. 64-69 years old it’s $12.50. Above 70 you don’t need a license. I paid $49 last month for a 15 day Maine fishing license. I have a three day fishing trip in PA planned for September. Not only do I have to buy a fishing license, I also have to buy a ramp permit to launch a boat. All toll around $60.

Fishing license enforcement in NJ is pretty scant, and they will usually let you off with a warning. I have a friend who received a summons 6-8 years ago. The fine was $150. He told the Fish & Game officer he had a fishing license, but forgot to bring it with him. The cop checked on his computer and discovered he was lying. The officer said if he had been honest about not having a license he would let him off with a warning.

As a sport fisherman I wish everybody would catch & release bass. NJ lakes get a lot of pressure and over the years I have seen lakes that were fantastic for catching bass get destroyed by people who carted most of them away in buckets.