While poring over Boyd's excellent maps, I noticed something I don't quite know how to interpret. Looking, at, say, the Mullica watershed above Batsto, LIDAR shows that the terrain is entirely filled with braided channels. However, on the lower Mechseatauxin below Wescoat Bogs, the braiding marks just sort of disappear and don't reappear until reaching the old bogs just above Batsto. The west side of the Oswego between Martha and Jenkins Neck has a similar appearance.
Is this just an artifact of the LIDAR data, with high surface water hiding the braiding marks? Did the braided channels fill in with sediment in the backwaters behind beaver dams? Curious as to what's going on here.
Is this just an artifact of the LIDAR data, with high surface water hiding the braiding marks? Did the braided channels fill in with sediment in the backwaters behind beaver dams? Curious as to what's going on here.