amongst us, it appears it's warbler time, a tad early. Over 50 Yellow-rumped and 1 lone Yellow in the yard this morning. It appears there was a big migration last night.
These guys are all about right on time. So far there have been 15 species of warbler tallied today. It's I shame I can't get out this weekend. Bird density and variety should only gather strength as the weekend rolls on.
When I opened my drapes Friday morning there was a Palm Warbler and a Hooded Warbler on my back fence and a Black and White Warbler on the ground in front of the fence. Also had Yellow-Rumped, and Yellow Warbler, Ruby Crowned Kinglet, Solitary Vireo, Hermit Thrush and Swamp Sparrow, besides the usual Song Sparrows, White-Throated Sparrows, and House Finches. Things have been quiet this weekend with only a Northern Parula, and a Yellow-Rumped in breeding plumage today.