Forest Ranger


May 2, 2006
I want be a Ranger in Wharton. I hear you need to go to the police academy and then the Ranger Academy. How do I start?


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
Become a state trooper and then become incapable of doing your job for psychological reasons. Be sure that you loathe the outdoors and people who enjoy the outdoors ,and develop an attitude that no one has any rights the moment they enter the state forest and you will be well on your way.


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
grendel said:
Become a state trooper and then become incapable of doing your job for psychological reasons. Be sure that you loathe the outdoors and people who enjoy the outdoors ,and develop an attitude that no one has any rights the moment they enter the state forest and you will be well on your way.
:jeffd: :rofl: :dance:


May 2, 2006
grendel said:
Become a state trooper and then become incapable of doing your job for psychological reasons. Be sure that you loathe the outdoors and people who enjoy the outdoors ,and develop an attitude that no one has any rights the moment they enter the state forest and you will be well on your way.

The only Ranger I know loves the outdoors and loves her job. I don't see why people would have problem with Rangers. I go wheeling in my Jeep pretty much when ever I have free time and I'm never had problem with Rangers.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
00xj54 said:
The only Ranger I know loves the outdoors and loves her job. I don't see why people would have problem with Rangers. I go wheeling in my Jeep pretty much when ever I have free time and I'm never had problem with Rangers.

Why don't you ask her how to be a ranger?


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
i guy i used to work with had just gotten out of the service (20 years+) and was working where i was, he applied for a forest rangers position in nj, he took the test and passed, took the training a sea girt with state troopers,
and then was stationed in south jersey then was "bounced" all over the place
he was upset that he only got a satisfactory rating when evalation time came
because as he figured it should have been much higher because he had the most arrests in is district, gee, maybe there is more than arrests and giving people a hard time in being a good ranger (sorry for calling them rangers now they are park police)


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
grendel said:
Become a state trooper and then become incapable of doing your job for psychological reasons. Be sure that you loathe the outdoors and people who enjoy the outdoors ,and develop an attitude that no one has any rights the moment they enter the state forest and you will be well on your way.

I would like to say that this post was influenced by several pints of Guinness which tends to make me somewhat of an -------.however I would only soften the tone slightly. I have had some real bad run ins with the rangers over the years. I have also had a few good ones,very few.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have never had any problems with the rangers, and in fact the only contact I've generally had has been a friendly wave as they pass. I've read all the stories here and don't doubt that there are some bad guys out there, but I guess I'm just lucky.

However, one way to insure that the rangers of the future are all a**holes would be to discourage good people from joining up...


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
Another way to get in would probably be to volunteer with the rangers for summertime help along with taking courses and/or attending the police academy.

We've all probably had good and bad experiences with the rangers. Here's a good one: Cruising down Wading River with a full cooler of beer and Hard lemonade. Beaching my canoe at Wharton bank and sippin' on a cold one she comes out of the brush. She's got probable cause to open my cooler cause I'm stupidly drinking one right there. She loads my cooler into her SUV and tells me if I want my cooler back come to batsto later in the afternoon. I don't care about the cooler and I'm not going anywhere near batsto later. When the trip ends at Beaver Branch there she is again in the SUV and she looks agitated. I'm thinking here comes the $300 fine and court apperances . But to my amazement she gives me back the cooler(still full) and sends me on my way.
Did I already tell that story in a previous post? Probably.

I won't go into the bad stories because they echo the ones from the other folks on this site.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
long-a-coming said:
Another way to get in would probably be to volunteer with the rangers for summertime help along with taking courses and/or attending the police academy.

We've all probably had good and bad experiences with the rangers. Here's a good one: Cruising down Wading River with a full cooler of beer and Hard lemonade. Beaching my canoe at Wharton bank and sippin' on a cold one she comes out of the brush. She's got probable cause to open my cooler cause I'm stupidly drinking one right there. She loads my cooler into her SUV and tells me if I want my cooler back come to batsto later in the afternoon. I don't care about the cooler and I'm not going anywhere near batsto later. When the trip ends at Beaver Branch there she is again in the SUV and she looks agitated. I'm thinking here comes the $300 fine and court apperances . But to my amazement she gives me back the cooler(still full) and sends me on my way.
Did I already tell that story in a previous post? Probably.

I won't go into the bad stories because they echo the ones from the other folks on this site.

That is amazing!!


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Boyd said:
I have never had any problems with the rangers, and in fact the only contact I've generally had has been a friendly wave as they pass. I've read all the stories here and don't doubt that there are some bad guys out there, but I guess I'm just lucky.

However, one way to insure that the rangers of the future are all a**holes would be to discourage good people from joining up...

Very good point!!!!!


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
pinelandpaddler said:
"She's got probable cause to open my cooler cause I'm stupidly drinking one right there."

She doesn't need probable cause.

They are law enforcement correct? Why wouldn't she need probable cause?
I have never seen a ranger walk up to someone and demand they open a cooler, except in cases where the person is drinking or appears like they have been drinking. If you have had a different experience let me know
Apr 6, 2004
Hi Tom,

My aunt claims to have had a ranger approach her and demand, not ask, that she open her cooler. To his dismay, he found nothing but sandwiches and sippies. No, he didn't see her drinking and no, he did not have any reason to think that she had been.

In my own experience, I once had a ranger approach a beach while a friend and I were wading in the creek. Our clothes were piled on my guitar case. No beer and nothing to cause suspicion except, perhaps, for the long hair which I then wore. Couple that fact with the guitar case, and Mr. Ranger felt compelled to search our belongings. He didn't even ask to search them. In short, my own experience has shown me that these cops can choose at their own whim to throw our rights right out the window. Let's just hope that wiser, kinder and more respectful Park Police come to the fore in the future.



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
Once me and and a friend were cruising the pines a ranger stopped us ,and searched my truck top to bottom.we had nothing to find,which was pretty unusual for those days. I asked him what we had done and he basically replied that anyone who would spend their spare time driving around the woods,had to have something wrong with them.This was almost twenty years ago so the quote is not exact but it was like he was disgusted with the outdoors,and anyone who thought otherwise.
I have had my backpack searched on several occasions,Once the guy opened my canteens and stuck his nose so far in I thought he might drown,When he handed them back I poured them out.He did not like that at all and really dug deep . Dumped out my aid first kit, and just made a big mess.
When I read the posts on this site about how they like to stick their heads into tents in the middle of the night I think how that would never happen here in VA, most folks have a ccp down here, you stick your head into someones tent in a free state and it is the last place you will stick it.


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
This is "piney profiling" in grendel's case and "hippie profiling" in Gabe's case. They would probably have a field day w/ me and my buddies banging on some drums like we have done many times over the years. I'll just say I've been extremely lucky and I will not be so naive in future excursions. I never camp in State campgrounds except when taking disabled individuals to places like Goshen or Batona. (my job)


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
The rangers, just like police, must have probable cause to search your vehicle. If they ask to search your vehicle and you say no they must get a search warrant in order to carry on with their bogus investigation. If they now want to be called "Park Police," which I find offensive, they should act more like police officers and be upheld to the same standards. When me and my friends used to go four wheeling a lot we would often bring a video camera. One time we were stopped by a ranger because she thought we were "tearing up a bog" (which we weren't). She asked if we had any alcohol on us (we didn't) or in the vehicles and we said no and she did not go any further with the questioning. It's like when you get pulled over by the police and they ask if there is anything in the car they should know about, if you say yes, that gives them the right to enter your car. Getting back to the video, we were stopped on another trip and had the video camera in hand, the park ranger couldn't have been any nicer, hhmmmmm I wonder why? Comparing my experiences with NJ Park Rangers to other states, I would say I have been made to feel like I was living in some communist state when dealing with NJ Park Rangers.