Forest Ranger


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Trailhead00 said:
The rangers, just like police, must have probable cause to search your vehicle. If they ask to search your vehicle and you say no they must get a search warrant in order to carry on with their bogus investigation. If they now want to be called "Park Police," which I find offensive, they should act more like police officers and be upheld to the same standards. When me and my friends used to go four wheeling a lot we would often bring a video camera. One time we were stopped by a ranger because she thought we were "tearing up a bog" (which we weren't). She asked if we had any alcohol on us (we didn't) or in the vehicles and we said no and she did not go any further with the questioning. It's like when you get pulled over by the police and they ask if there is anything in the car they should know about, if you say yes, that gives them the right to enter your car. Getting back to the video, we were stopped on another trip and had the video camera in hand, the park ranger couldn't have been any nicer, hhmmmmm I wonder why? Comparing my experiences with NJ Park Rangers to other states, I would say I have been made to feel like I was living in some communist state when dealing with NJ Park Rangers.

I think you may be on to something here!! I guess you made it real obvious that the camera was running huh? Sounds like a good idea to always have one in the car!!
