Foul play


Mar 12, 2004
Canada geese. I see them--as well as many abandoned deer--in some places i regularly tromp; sometimes piles of six or seven. As far as i can tell . . . they shoot them for target practice/dog training. Once the dog retrieves them, they just leave the carcasses. Not sure how legal it is to just shoot stuff for no reason and leave it where it falls . . . but then again . . . what do i know about hunting.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I know with deer, you are supposed to check them in before going home with them. At check in they are weighed and accounted for and the hunter is only allowed so many. I don't know if this is true for other game (ducks, turkeys). To kill these animals and leave their carcassess is both illegal and a crime against nature.
Yes they were Canada geese. I wonder if the hunter humped them out of the woods and realized he came out in the wrong spot and left them there while he went to his truck. But then again, I did not see anyone walking. It just seems odd that they were left piled on the side of the road.



New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Tabernacle, New Jersey
I drove by that spot last weekend to do some hiking around the bogs in friendship. I saw that same pile of geese but at that time there must have been 15 or so in the pile. I wonder if the local fox population has been dragging a few of them off.

Very wastefull.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If he carried them out why not hide them just off the road and retrieve them when he come back?

If he just left them there, he should be in jail.

kevineichman said:
I drove by that spot last weekend to do some hiking around the bogs in friendship. I saw that same pile of geese but at that time there must have been 15 or so in the pile. I wonder if the local fox population has been dragging a few of them off.

Very wastefull.

Possible but these looked fairly freash and I saw no feathers laying about which I think I would have seen had any wild animal had gotten to them.



Apr 10, 2004
Also possible that a property owner / landowner shot the hell out of the geese on his property and dumped them in the woods to avoid getting caught.

Please call the Fish and Game commission and report what you saw. Sometimes they actually look into these things. I reported “hunters†shooting Seagulls for the fun of it and the game wardens actually responded and caught the idiots a few weeks after my call.


Mar 12, 2004
Lorun said:
I reported “hunters†shooting Seagulls for the fun of it and the game wardens actually responded and caught the idiots a few weeks after my call.

that's a good thing to know. One of my favorite places sees this problem all times of the year. If i could get these bastards in trouble I'd looove to do it.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
today I was out in the woods and found a dead buck near an illegal dumpsite. It had not been gutted or cleaned but its' antlers had been removed. The upper region of its' skull had been sawed off to obtain them. It is unbelievable and illegal to do such a thing without checking in the kill. The meat and hide of the animal were left to total waste rotting behind a bunch of deadfall. It is hard to imagine someone with such little respect for living things, but unfortunitly there are many people like this.

I have no problem with the law abiding, venison eating, respectful hunters but someone who would do this just makes my stomach churn.


Mar 12, 2004
I think the fact that the majority of my exposure to the "hunting culture" has been experiences just like that--is the root of my difficulty believing hunters are respectful, responsible citizens who appreciate the value of life. I've seen the remains of far too many animals shot down solely for the purpose of the thrill of extinguishing a life.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I know where you're coming from. But it is the irresponsible, kill happy hunters that leave evidence like this behind. The responsible, respectful hunters don't leave anything behind to witness. I don't know what the ratio of good hunters to bad hunters is, but it is only the bad behavior we see. I don't hunt myself, but I do ride motorcycles and 4 wheel in the woods and I take great care to avoid permanent damage to the enviroment, and to avoid ruining anybody elses enjoyment of the woods. However, it is the irresponsible riders that ruin it for guys like myself by tearing up the enviroment and being generally obnixious (noise), thus giving the recreation a bad name. Because it is these people and the destruction in their wake, that everyone notices.

I suspect the same is true for the hunting community. It is frustrating though.


Sep 14, 2003
im a hunter and respect the life of all animals more than anything! you idiots (SORRY FOR STRONG LANGUAGE)didnt even think that maybe there is a LOGICAL EXPLAINATION. one example FOR INSTANCE my brother works for the parkway and they have dump sites for deer that have been hit by vehicles. MANY OF THEM BLEED AND EXPIRE FROM INTERNAL INJURIES SO LOOK WHOLE AND NOT ALL MANGLED OR SHOT UP.THE PERSON WHO DUMPED THE DEER AND THE ONES WHO TOOK THE ANTLERS AT LEAST honored the life of that deer by displaying the antlers on there wall. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU MOUNTED cow or chicken on your wall? HUMANS HAVE BEEN HUNTERS AND GATHERERS FOR 99% OF EXISTANCE. VENTING DONE! im gonna have swedish venison meatballs in honor of this discussion sunday for dinner~


Sep 14, 2003
because of all the liberals and laws against hunting the geese they have bred way out of hand so thinning them out is a good thing . they shite all over the place and this cant be good for people or pets that have to walk through there bacteria laden waste. im sure with the geese you found the fox -coyotes and turkey buzzards will make sure they will not go to waste although i dont agree with the practice of shooting and leaving game. i havent duck hunted in years because of all the laws and restrictions but i will make time this year.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Before anything happens, let's not insult or attack anyone for their opinion on this subject. Keep the posts civil as Ben has said before.


wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
I'm 50 and I've been hunting since I was eleven, there are 'ethical' hunters, in fact most are ethical, all it takes is one bad apple...I just returned from a week of deer hunting in Penna. I had two opportunities where I did not shoot because I knew that there were houses in the area behind the deer. A 30-06 w/ a 150 grain bullet leaes the muzzle traveling around 2,200 feet per second. At 200 yards it's still moving around 1,800 FPS. I knew I had to hold off and not shoot. I was raised and trained to shoot safely, that's an example of ethical hunting and plain old common sense.

Anyone can make an error and shoot one more bird than the allowed limit. Usually this kind of thing gets evened out w/ one's hunting partners. It is illegal to possess more than the day's limit in the field unless hunting from a temporary camp.

Leaving so many dead ducks is the kind of thing that gives all hunters a black eye the same way 2% of the motorcycle riding population are outlaw bikers giving that sport an image problem...Unfortunately there is this small percentage that thinks laws were written for the other guy and they do what they want.

Migratory bird hunting is regulated by the states under federal direction. Some states have added liberal seasons of 'hold over' individuals that have stopped migrating. These 'extra' seasons are held when the other population's migtration has passes in order to reduce the amount of 'hold over' birds fouling the grass & lakes. Too bad that most property owners that would benefit from this usually won't allow hunters onto their property. that's why the 'Goose Police' has had such a success using border collies to discourage geese from staying on the vast corporate lawns...

Anyone that simply shoots birds 'cause they can will continue dumping them 'till he/she gets caught. Drop that dime and give them what they truly deserve!