Franklin Parker Preserve


Dec 22, 2011
I carry a backpack and cooler out with me. Filled with supplies, pepper spray, knife, etc etc.

Keep the pepper spray on your person and easily accessible, not in your pack, and practice drawing and simulated firing so you know where to carry it for fastest use. Same with anything else that you carry for self-defense. It takes 2 to 3 seconds to react to an unexpected stimulus. Even if a stranger is talking to you and suddenly does something out of the ordinary, reaction time could still be around 2 to 3 seconds. I've had a few wake up calls over the years, both in training and in real life.

I hope it doesn't come off as unsolicited advice (I know how it always sounds), but I also want to share that I agree with the general sentiment. Please be careful in the pines or anywhere else where you are alone and isolated. Bringing your hubby along or another friend with a child would be a good idea, or, for the time being, visit state parks closer to the visitor/nature centers or where there is more action (Brendan Byrne Cranberry Loop or FREC, for example).

Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
No matter where you are in the woods of Chatsworth the ghosts of William Harley and Arthur Davidson will lead you to a road.

Fortunately, that road leads to the Hedger House, and in better times... the Green Bank.



Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
This is going off the subject.......................I would much rather take my chances with life in the pines. I can say I don't remember anyone being jumped or robbed while in the woods. Bad feelings around some people I meet... yes. A little common sense is best.Trust your gut feeling and Enjoy your Time in the Pines.Life is short:dance:
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Dec 22, 2011
This is going off the subject.......................I would much rather take my chances with life in the pines. I can say I don't remember anyone being jumped or robbed while in the woods. Bad feelings around some people I meet... yes. A little common sense is best.Trust your gut feeling and Enjoy your Time in the Pines.Life is short:dance:

I hope that I didn't come off as hypervigilant, I'm definitely not. I have never had bad experiences with people in the pines either, but I've crossed paths with some people who I am pretty sure were up to no good.

I did, recently, have a black bear suddenly appear about 8 feet from me in the highlands and 'forgot' that I had pepper spray on my hip!

I think that I'd be nervous about my wife walking alone in the woods with our baby. More so if it were a WMA, but if it were a state park or forest I suppose that I would be less anxious.

In all I agree with what you are saying. A little common sense and awareness really goes a long way.


Aug 24, 2012
I agree Dog. I think my chances of getting "jumped" or robbed are more high where I live in Camden County. I think the worry is that you're in the middle of nowhere. No one is around or in close proximity so if help is needed it is just a bit more difficult.

I hope my reaction time is fast. I've been in some predicaments or witnessed in my life. Usually, when everyone else is in shock...I am the first to respond and snap them out of it. I've actually seen the delayed reaction on people's faces and you'd be accurate to describe it. I appreciate everyone's concern. I have a backup phone. It is an international phone that I use while traveling and will be bringing it with me for now on.

My husband does get worried. However, he has to realize this is my passion and my love. He does not like to do these things and is the type that would complain after a 1/4 mile. I can go on for miles. I enjoy the nature and the moment. The solitude. My son enjoys it as well. Holds a smile the entire duration.

I think honestly though I have a bigger chance of getting a foot sprained then I do getting attacked in the Pineys. However, of course there is stranger danger everywhere in life, but if I lived in fear..well, wouldn't be able to live.

I'm looking into a handheld device as well. Hopefully, after research will purchase in the next 24 hours.

Suggestions are welcome on a decent device. However, not too extreme in price. Thanks everyone!

If there are ever any get-togethers here, I would love to be of company and join. Can go with or without son. I enjoy discovering new places.


Aug 24, 2012
Nj Chile, I would go nuts! I hope you recover well so you can get out there and explore. There's nothing better than the fresh air, exercise and the fall foliage right now. Ahhhhh. Heaven. Maybe wifey should get you an adult stroller, hahahahaha.

FYI, I know you weren't coming off condescending. All of you actually care on here and I do appreciate the concern. It means you guys are awesome, that's all!


Dec 22, 2011
There's nothing better than the fresh air, exercise and the fall foliage right now. Ahhhhh. Heaven.

( Runs limps out of thread crying ) ;)

If my wife got me an adult stroller I'd probably end up putting an engine on it and crashing it into something.


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
I hope that I didn't come off as hypervigilant, I'm definitely not. I have never had bad experiences with people in the pines either, but I've crossed paths with some people who I am pretty sure were up to no good.

I did, recently, have a black bear suddenly appear about 8 feet from me in the highlands and 'forgot' that I had pepper spray on my hip!

I think that I'd be nervous about my wife walking alone in the woods with our baby. More so if it were a WMA, but if it were a state park or forest I suppose that I would be less anxious.

In all I agree with what you are saying. A little common sense and awareness really goes a long way.
Your 100% right I was only thinking people.With the rise of bear sightings you should be with pepper spray.Safer for you and the bear.


Dec 22, 2011
Your 100% right I was only thinking people.With the rise of bear sightings you should be with pepper spray.Safer for you and the bear.

It's interesting beacause years ago I did some training with martial arts groups that worked with weapons. A summary of some of the lessons that I learned from the training was that the failure of weapon use in self-defense often arises from deficiency in the following areas: 1) kinesthetic awareness of the weapon (remembering that it is there in times of stress), 2) weapon retention (dropping it because you are scared or because someone fights it away from you) and 3) ability to draw quickly enough to use it before the attack begins. I always attributed those things to a self-defense situation with a person.

However, like I described before, my wife and I went hiking up in the highlands. We were in the parking lot and I said to her that we were in an area with frequent bear sightings while I was putting the spray on my hip. I KNEW the spray was there. We were only about 3 minutes into the hike when my wife grabbed my arm, and right there was a bear about 8 feet away. It ran about 50 feet and hid behind a tree. I'm telling you that if that bear charged me that 1) I would not have remembered that I had it until the bear made contact, and 2) even if I did remember, I never would have pulled the spray in time because of its proximity and how fast it moved (unbelievable, btw).

All of those lessons really came back to me. Being able to access and pull pepper spray and discharge it in times of an animal or human attack is not as easy as people think. It takes practice, but once you practice and functionalize it, the kinesthetic awareness is there and you can relax and enjoy without worry.


Aug 24, 2012
The question is though....will pepper spray or any spray really dissuade an animal if it wants to attack you? I can't see spray being used as a defense. Now, a gun...yes.

I'm ACT 235 certified in the state of PA. I use to carry. Haha, and if you saw is quite funny to even think I could. I'm a pretty feminine chick. However, NJ. Is a whole different ball game. If I could just carry then there would be no problems hahaha. However, only when it really is "hunting season" technically you could. But I don't want to be trekking in a WMA during that time even if I am wearing blood orange. God forbid. Also, the stupidity of people also freaks me out. They see something move and they automatically pull the trigger.

I have been in a handful of situations in my life and truly believe I have handled it well. Saw a man get hit by a car on Route 38. Flew in the air. As people stood around and watched in horror. I was the first with the man to assess his situation and they were able to helicopter him to Cooper. He made it. I have to tell folks standing around shocked in disbelief to snap out of it and call for help. I saw a horrific accident about 2 years back near the Deptford Mall and I will never get the sound out of my head. My girlfriend stood there and froze. I was quick to react and first on the scene. And asked folks to call for help as I assisted the victims. It was not a pretty scene.

I've also had the pleasure of being groped by a stranger in Philly. Let me tell you I did some extreme physical damage. I broke his nose. Blood gushing everywhere. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

I really think it has to do with my upbringing and all the sports I was in. It has allowed my reaction time to things be very quick. Plus, training. If you look at the certification I have received it is serious business. Being physically fit also helps.

I'm a tough cookie.


Aug 24, 2012
Noboat! This is why it is so funny! I am a woman, so what?? Men do it all the time and with their kids. The Preserve is safe. I don't think pepper spray is going to really falter anyone if they wanted to attack though. It's not like I'm walking in Camden with my kid.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I was a little surprised at how useless the Preserve maps were too. Lots of additional trails and roadways that don't appear on the map would have thrown me off too.

My map includes pretty much everything that I could see on the NJ2007 aerials. I will try to update the next version with trail names to match the Parker Preserve map.



Apr 4, 2011
Thanks Ecampbell for the link! I needed a reminder. I had always thought that the property between the back reservoir and Chatsworth-Tuckerton Road was private. I wanted to explore the north-eastern side of the Wading but never did because I thought the property was off limits. Very good!
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