So I've started my student teaching at a suburban high school here in North Jersey which shall remain unnamed. I decided to do an icebreaker activity that I learned a few years ago as a camp counselor to introduce myself and get the class talking. You pass around a roll of toilet paper instructing the kids to take as much or as little as they want. Once everyone has gotten some (inevitably some smart guy takes half the roll) you inform them that everyone must share one fact about themselves for every square of toilet paper they now possess.
I got to one girl who stood up and in the process of sharing her many facts with the class (she took A LOT of paper) said this in the exact order it appears: "...Ummmmm, my favorite food is chicken parm, ummmm, I'm a vegetarian..." Of course the class erupts into a fit of uncontrollable laughter which bewilders this poor girl. After I get them quieted down she says "I didn't know chicken was meat ok?" Its going to be an interesting semester...
I got to one girl who stood up and in the process of sharing her many facts with the class (she took A LOT of paper) said this in the exact order it appears: "...Ummmmm, my favorite food is chicken parm, ummmm, I'm a vegetarian..." Of course the class erupts into a fit of uncontrollable laughter which bewilders this poor girl. After I get them quieted down she says "I didn't know chicken was meat ok?" Its going to be an interesting semester...