Front coming thru today


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
I have been pushing my neighbors to all get generators..Check out harbor freight..I bought a real small one 5 years ago, 900 watts that will run my fridge and 2 freezers/. $99.00 w/coupon right now. The one used for sandy is the big 8750 watt. Works entire house plus electric hot water heater, well pump. Electric range(one burner is all I need) microwave. It is about $549.00 w/coupon. Great website and emails
BTW. The 900 wat generator burns 1 gallon every 5 hours w/50% load. The big one burns 1 gallon every 2 hours at 50%.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
The one used for sandy is the big 8750 watt. Works entire house plus electric hot water heater, well pump. Electric range(one burner is all I need) microwave. It is about $549.00 w/coupon. Great website and emails

That's the one I have, it's in their Predator line, the others are garbage. Hooked into a power inlet box and manual xfer switch. Also have a Honda EU2000i for portability around the house and beyond, its an inverter type and super quiet.


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
That's the one I have, it's in their Predator line, the others are garbage. Hooked into a power inlet box and manual xfer switch. Also have a Honda EU2000i for portability around the house and beyond, its an inverter type and super quiet.
They are all in the predator line. A friend has the 4000 watt. Ran his entire house. He has gas heat and gas HWH. Paid itself off after 1 sandy 4 day outage


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Repaupo is completely out and I saw them working on the lines nearby. They looked a mess so I can see why it may be a while.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I noticed today that the big tree on Airport Road in Hammonton was taken out by the storm. It is the one with the yellow bow on it.!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

I also saw a vehicle stuck in a puddle right off of 72 near 532 with ATV's in it. They had just turned off of 72 to head in the woods. I was stuck in the same puddle many years ago in my Land Cruiser when the ice broke through.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Still out here also. I m told that a crew will be out this evening. My street has everything underground but the line coming into it is above. They just cut the trees off of it yesterday. I'm at a loss as to why Christie hasn't called a state of emergency or natural disaster area at least. The state shuts down for the threat of a blizzard but 1/2 the state has no power for a week and its business as usual. If this storm blew across Trenton I'm sure it would be a different story.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I noticed today that the big tree on Airport Road in Hammonton was taken out by the storm. It is the one with the yellow bow on it.

That tree is affectionately known by me and my sons as the "pee tree".
My sons are 29 and 28 and they still remember me pulling over there on our way back from a woods ride in Batsto to take a leak. They were probably 5 and 6 at the time.
Time flies.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
We went down to Batsto yesterday to see how it fared. They lost a few big trees but no real damage. Didn't go past the big tree since the kids wanted to go through the woods.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I paddled the Batsto yesterday, from the millpond down to the Forks, then back up the Mullica. It's a neat trip, with no shuttle and a 15 minute walk back to where you left your vehicle at the start. There were a few trees down near the sawmill portage and quite a few more blocking the river itself. Some looked to have been there a while and one or two looked fresh. The flow on the Mullica was the worst I've ever experienced, not surprising after the rain. I lost the vote on cancelling the trip and got a good workout as a result. We ended pulling ashore at the clearing just below the old bridge ruins, and I walked a bit further than planned to get my truck. Slept good last night. :)