getting closer


Apr 6, 2006
im still searching for the illusive pine snake, and i came really close to finding one...i went fishing (at a disclosed location) somewhere in cumberland count and found a pine snake burrow, the hole was how people describe it, sand around the hole and what i found made me certain...eggs. my dad was with me and hes very knowledgable, he confirmed that they were pine snake eggs, i just wasnt sure if the eggs were eaten or hatched, the were in the hole a little bit, and outside the hole, maybe the dragged the shells a little maybe not, i hope it was just the snakes hatching, the eggs were no further than 4 or 5 feet from the hole, ya id say 4 max. anyone have any ideas, there was water nearby, im gettin close to finding a pine snake, but time is running out, its getting cold, when would you guys say herpin is pretty much done with, i can get out later october, will that be too late, i was never good with finding out exactly what time snakes head to dens and whatnot, depending on weather and stuff. thanx


Jun 3, 2004
Atlantic County
Was there any snake markings around or near the hole??

Snake season is almost over, but it's always worth looking. I usually find my rough green snakes and marbled salamanders around this time. My friend has found pines up to november on the sunnier days, and my other friend Andrew found a black rat snake on a road last november, it was cold, windy, and rainy.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
I saw a pine snake on october 18th last year. It was a hatchling and was getting the little bit of sun at the warmest time of the day. You can still find things out now but you have to be both lucky and good. I find that if there are a few cool days in a row, and then you get a warm up in the 70's it fools animals in to thinking it is spring.