I was researching a b&b in Cape May that Joe and I will be staying in that is reportedly haunted. (I also came across haunting info re: LBI area inadvertently. I'm not really into hauntings, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless). Anyway, I found this--remember we visited Higbees Beach year before last? We should have gone to the beach area too, not just the field!!! (where I got my first case of horrid chiggers!)
City: Cape May
Location: Higbee Beach
Type of Phenomena: Visiting Spirit
Manifestation: The image of a African American, believed to be a slave from the past, is said to walk these sandy beaches.
Directions: On the bay side of Cape May near the lighthouse
Cool story, huh?
I was researching a b&b in Cape May that Joe and I will be staying in that is reportedly haunted. (I also came across haunting info re: LBI area inadvertently. I'm not really into hauntings, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless). Anyway, I found this--remember we visited Higbees Beach year before last? We should have gone to the beach area too, not just the field!!! (where I got my first case of horrid chiggers!)
City: Cape May
Location: Higbee Beach
Type of Phenomena: Visiting Spirit
Manifestation: The image of a African American, believed to be a slave from the past, is said to walk these sandy beaches.
Directions: On the bay side of Cape May near the lighthouse
Cool story, huh?