Gloucester Furnace and Weymouth- the missing lakes



I just finished uploading maps and aerial photos to my gallery (Barry C). For Gloucester Furnace I added a current map from Mapquest, a modern topo map from Topozone, an 1887 topo map from the Cook Atlas Sheet #15, and two aerial photos from Mapquest. The Mapquest map shows some of the streets originally planned for Egg Harbor City that were never built, and the 1887 topo map shows the lake at Gloucester Furnace which no longer exists. And then with the aerial photos you can see how the area looks today. North of the lake (Egg Harbor Lake, further south) none of the planned streets was ever built.
For Weymouth I added a modern topo map from Topozone and an 1887 topo map from the Cook Atlas Sheet #16, which shows the lake at Weymouth which no longer exists.
I also added aerial photos of Friendship and Buckingham, and also a Mapquest map and an aerial photo showing the Atlantic County Goose Ponds. Some of the streets on that map were never built either.
All these maps and photos are on pages 10 and 11 of my gallery. Hope you find them interesting.