I recall they had like a Greenlee Fly event at the Seaport. It was kind of funny, traps, largest fly caught, stuff like that. I was just up Tuckerton right on the lake yesterday afternoon. Gawd, it was as stuffy there as heck and very still there but nowhere near down here. A few friends and I went to dinner at Sea Oaks, (wonderful meal, the two fellow singing for entertainment were...well)
(Gilbert Godfried is entertaining there next weekend) I went home around nine and the lightning show on the way home was a spectacle and a treat! Every angle of my view was treated to it coming over Wading River bridge. No rain though till I turned that last corner before Batso then all Hell let loose. Coming down past Hammonton Airport the show escalated and I got to see one of my own Waterford radio towers get hit! I have never seen that and wondered if and how oftern it happened. Wow. The light and boomers continued for a good bit.
I have a friend who has done work at the Rutgers station up the end of the Boulevard (Seven Bridges Road if you prefer)
Pretty interesting stuff, and another who is in the Mooosqueeeto and control biz, lots of investigative work.
fascinatiing stuff. Anywhoo, I hope your endeavors to find the trap of traps fairs you well. You have a lofty goal. Noah himself had a less fearful foe.