The fires in California were... <SNIP>...more than likely fueled by the "fuel" or dead and dry brush/shrub/tree litter covering the ground, ...<SNIP>...we can see the benefits of controlled burns.
When I was in high school, there were really BIG fires in and around the Warren Grove area: We had many, many days off, as all hands were needed to rake, and spread sand on the smoldering embers, in order to prevent flare--ups well behind the fire line...
The Pinelands ecology requires occasional wide--spread fires so that the pigmy pine cones will open and "drop" their seeds. Thus, I have no really big problem with controlled burns --- for ecological purposes --- or to prevent, for example, the "British Soldiers" groundcover from posing a danger to the Pineland communities and forests.
However, such controlled burns are best performed by Pineland fire companies because they have the expertise (and the equipment) to keep things under control. The danger in printing such an article is that private landowners may get the idea that they can perform their own "controlled burns" --- definitely NOT a good idea!
"Arson" is nothing more than an out--of--control "controlled burn."