BarryC said:
Oh really? Wow. That's interesting! Sometimes I wonder when I see multiple spellings of things. Sometimes they are all correct. Maybe I'll get to try raspberry hot chocolate sometime.
I had a good Christmas. I hope everyone did.
That particular word has like 16 different spellings, believe it or not, and all are acceptable!!!! Unreal, huh? The H is a gutteral fricative like the German, so linguists tend to prefer the H, because otherwise you wind up with people saying "ch" like church or chair, lol!
Words like sabbath--shabbos, shabbot--all the same, depending on Ashkenazik or Sephardic, and the Jewish holiday Succos aka Succot is the same. The Ashkenazik have the German background, and the Sephardic immigrated to Spain and South America then to North America, hence the difference in spelling and pronunciations.
(I had a triple major in college, one was a biblical languages, koine Greek and biblical Hebrew)