Harris Station


Mar 6, 2016
Forked River
Had some time to kill today before meeting someone in Tabernacle near Butterworth Bogs Rd. Took a ride with my son over towards Apple Pie Hill and down to Harris Station. Tried to look for the train door going south on the track towards Caranza. To be honest I did not check the forum first for a precise location as it was a last minute thing. We saw the extremely bent track and a stone marker on the left side with no identification mark. I guess it marks the line between state property and the Parker Preserve as there a bunch of signs in the trees. There was also an area with a cement slab on the ground, some large white PVC pipes sticking out of the ground. I think they were for an outhouse? There was also a old wood structure that looks like it was a backboard for target practice as it was full of dirt. A little more south and there was a marker on the right side with a metal top and some writing. At that point we needed to turn back to make our appointment. My question is did I miss the door? Did I not walk far enough. I know they are up on a hill as compared to the track. My son also explored north of the station and found a large square form of concrete about 2 foot by 18 inches lying off the tracks on the left side. Was this an old mile marker base?
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The pad was the location of the Pine Crest Gun Club. Many NJ state police were members. I have photos I took of it if you search on this site. The pipe I believe was their outhouse and you were correct with the backboard. The monument nearby is the Friendship Bog property line. The further one down the tracks was the Wharton line for Friendship Bogs when the state surveyed in the 1950. Both monuments are not really in use anymore.
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Jan 13, 2006
I love walking the tracks in the pines. Something about looking down the tracks as they fade into forest...