On the borderline of Electronic Insanity so I am going with it. 
My plastic headlights were glazing over so I watched a few videos online and worked on sanding them today. I am not kidding when I say in exactly 15 minutes I had the first one looking like glass. It is very easy if you have the elbow grease to sand that long.
And after.
Just make sure you tape the paint. I didn't and hit one spot. No worse than piney pinstripes so I am good with that.

My plastic headlights were glazing over so I watched a few videos online and worked on sanding them today. I am not kidding when I say in exactly 15 minutes I had the first one looking like glass. It is very easy if you have the elbow grease to sand that long.
And after.
Just make sure you tape the paint. I didn't and hit one spot. No worse than piney pinstripes so I am good with that.