Herp brains? :) Can anyone identify this frog by its call?


New Member
May 20, 2016
Thanks all! We DO have cricket frogs and many many others but it was definitely the carpenter I was after! The audio is SO LOUD on my phone and once I upload it, it gets flattened to heck and hard to hear. Sorry! Thanks!

ChileHead, post: 136989, member: 1633"]Hey Dragon, wouldn't wood frogs be long done with their breeding season? My experience has been that their breeding activity is outright kaput by the second week of April at the very latest (most of the time by the end of March, at least up here).

Agree on the possibility of a leopard frog in the beginning. I've heard territorial calls from carpenter frogs that sounded like these too.

We have to get Whippoorbill out there with his recorder![/QUOTE]