Hints of Places Here and There


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
I'm a computer gamer from way back; a seventies-era Tolkien freak with a distinct appreciation for virtual worlds. I'm a programmer, and get a charge out of the whole idea from that angle as well. I played Everquest (had a guild of developers at a small company I started and we all played after hours), and a game called Dark Age of Camelot, and the behemoth World of Warcraft. I enjoyed them all in reasonable doses of a couple to several hours, with the occasional marathon Sat. night session after the kids went to bed. I eventually tired of each and quit it, but I still play games on my system at home.

Largo hit the nail on the head: for a lot of people virtual worlds are an irresistable alternative to the real one. When you log into a virtual world you always know what needs to be done; the problems are all simple, and the tools to solve them are readily available. "Progress" and "respect" can be had by people who feel they can never attain those things otherwise.

There's the potential for a real SF moment here over the next half-century or so. Kids today not only immerse themselves in virtual worlds, but they have taken the whole experience of relationships and offloaded it onto the network. They live on MySpace and FaceBook, and exploit the net in ways that go way beyond what those of us who were involved in systems development during its emergence ever imagined. My kids can almost text faster than I can type, and I am a very fast typist. Not to mention the oldest of them turns 15 tomorrow :).

Things are going to be very different, and that's why I said above that I was probably wrong about the negative effects. It's just going to be different, and I'm resistant to it like all old guys, because there's nothing I can do about it.

Looks like I have now thoroughly hijacked my own thread.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I had my nephews out fishing on Atsion Lake a couple years ago. They are obsessed with video games. That is all they talked about the whole trip. Here we are fishing out on the lake at a beautiful dusk and they are telling me about virtual fishing in some fantasy world. I acted interested because they seemed so excited about it, but I just wanted to say "Hey, look around you! This is the real thing"!

Their mother limits their time on the games but it still seems to dominate their thoughts when they are not playing.

On a lighter note, they both read alot, some sports, and are doing very well in school so I don't think they are going to end up basket cases because of it.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Go ya one better. I have a cousin, 29 in Voorhees, holds crappy jobs, frumpy, fat and clueless, absorbed in video games. Now has a little freezer fridge thing in his room. No longer visits the kitchen, takes out trash, does his own clothes. Goes to work, to the bathroom & to the video or ballgame on the tube. Takes in taco bell or orders pizza. Not done... My Aunt enables all this S**t by allowing it, and him to live at home. Yes indeed!
Oh, she has to be driven to a doctor, he can't be bothered, but he needs a ride with mommy to a job interview..... AT 29!!!
He never set a solid foot on a trail or even a park walk for it was too much effort. Doesn't get the outside world and the "strangeness" of it all, nature included. But the nice safe world of virtual gaming and such is so much better. Scared, hell yeah that scares me because of the many out there like him. That and I think he's a piece of S**t. We don't do well at family get togethers. Could be something I said. I'll sometimes offend an idiot I guess.
Times changed, oh yes.


Good post George. I know those human types are out there, and the rolls are growing. Your Auntie is an enabler, as you say. It can't be easy to defend herself from him though, in her defense. A friend of mine from work (a women) recently retired and lives in one of the local senior citizen parks. Her 35 year old son lives with her, cause he can't pull himself together. He spends sunny (SUNNY for God's sake!) days locked in his room watching porno on the computer with nothing on but dingy boxer shorts.