On March 30th, the day before it closed to the public (till after labor day), my son and I vistited Holgate on the southern tip of LBI. I have been meaning to visit it for a long time now. Despite a 60 degree forcast it was incredibly cold due to a strong westard wind. I had brought my sons winter jacket "just in case" and I was glad I did. The hood on his jacket kept him warm and happy. Myself, on the other hand, endured 2 1/2 hours in a sweat shirt. My ears had never been so cold. We didn't make it too far down, maybe a mile or a little more. It is an amazing area that I plan to explore more fully in the fall. It is a real gift to see an undeveloped barrier island like this. Jack was excited since I told him this is what the pirates saw when they landed on the southern NJ coast!