How did you get your screen name?


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I am Cook '81 Mark and I too had Wolfe as a professor. To say he was an interesting and intelligent man would be understated. I still have my The Geology and Landscapes of New Jersey textbook on my desk here at work.

I never knew that he grew up in Nesco. He certainly expanded his horizons beyond the pines over his lifetime as I remember his slides showing him riding elephants in India.

I must have sold my geology textbook when I was done with it but I still have my '78-issued Cook/Douglass pub card! I sure needed a haircut back then.
I remember reading in Mints' "The Great Wilderness" that the name Buckshutem came from the part of the Maurice River where boaters had to either "buck" or "shoot" (not sure what that even means) the fast moving water coming in from Laurel Lakes. This may be apocryphal, as much of Mints' book is, but still an interesting theory.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Never knew there was another Buckshutem.I"m a cumberland county boy.Lived in cape may county for a couple years once but other then that never lived north of Millville except for a month long stint in Vineland when i was ten (don't tell) and I lived in Ft. Dix several months one time.