Hunters in Michael Huber Prairie Warbler Preserve?


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Hey, does anyone know if people are allowed to hunt deer in advance of deer season in the Huber reserve, off Sooy Place Rd? I went for a hike there (early Nov.) and a guy was hunting. He claimed he was "thinning the herd" and implied he was with the foundation that runs the place. I was not dressed in hunter red and felt a little exposed back in there. Seems wrong if they allow pre-season hunting but put no sign warning of this at the entrance.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Fall bow actually started Oct 1. I believe the NJCF land you mention is in fact huntable, so he was perfectly legal, as long as he had a bow. A firearm would be a different story.


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Thanks for your replies. I didn't think about bow hunting. I actually called the NJ Conservation Foundation today to ask about hunting, and they confirmed that they do allow it to thin the deer herd. He said bow hunting was permissible now, in early November. I suggested that any hunters on the property put a sign at the entrance to let hikers know they're there, and they said they were already talking about doing something like that. So at least I know it wasn't a poacher (or I'm pretty sure, anyway; I didn't see a bow).


Jan 13, 2006
Best to check, as you did. A friend of mine was walking her dog 2 weeks ago on a Sunday and was confronted by a hunter in a stand (right on a dirt road) that it was "illegal" for her to be in the woods as it was bow season. She had orange on and her dog had a cowbell on, but best to be carefull and informed. I run my dog in the same area on Sundays often and bought a cow bell for her last week, just in case. I always wear some orange.


Jul 12, 2010
Browns Mills
Why would it be "illegal" as he says to be in the woods during bow season. And whats he doing in a stand right on the dirt road? We have evey right to be there as he does. I had a hunter give me a rash of crap in Lebanon couple days ago because I was walking my dog in his "area"(he was right on a trail) I am not a hunter, and I understand somewhat there point, but dont I have every right to enjoy the public woodland as they do?
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Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
I understand somewhat there point, but dont I have every right to enjoy the public woodland as they do?

You certainly do... it's not "illegal", but is it worth a run in with the guy who maybe shoots at a noise or movement in the brush?
I'm a hunter, so I personally respect their acre and give them a wide berth. You have every right to be out there, but safety is the key. There's plenty of woods out there for all!

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
I'm not a hunter and hope never to be one. I do know hunters however and I've "dealt" with hunters before. Like most other groups, there are good and bad. The problem with the bad is that they're extreme, meaning they're usually drunk, in the woods and armed on top of it. They leave the trash and beer cans all over the place. If you happen to run up on them, they have this "right of entitlement" mentality that they "own" that section of the woods and accuse you of messing up their hunt. I could go on and on, but I won't. Bottom line, all "groups" have their set of a**holes that make them all look bad.


Jan 13, 2006
I bow hunted with my brother and son for about 10 years and would never have thought to set up right on a dirt road. I put a cowbell on my dog (just in case) and run her on Sundays. If I see a car or truck parked in the woods, I back off. No sense being foolish.