Al (manumuskin) posted a letter here and I accidentally deleted it. I though I had hit the reply button and hit the edit button. When I realized that I made a second mistake and deleted his letter.
I am really sorry Al and could you please repost it. In the meantime I will give a brief idea to all what it was.
Al visited the Union graves today and there was a container there from a man named Gerry who was going to be there on a date in July at noon. Al was asking if anyone knew him. There was more but Al can post that if he wants.
So my reply was:
I know him and have had around 50 email conversations with him. He has just had heart surgery and will not be there on the day he said. He is concerned about ticks since his surgeon found one on him in his office.
He hunted there in the 30's and stumbled on the grave and goes back often. I have his email address and home address and even his telephone number. We had made plans to meet there but they have not worked out for various reasons. I am going to visit there in the fall with him.
Here is the last letter I received from him after surgery.
To all and sundry, please note:
Being the resilient septuagenarian (or is that "septic-genarian"?) that I am, I have, solely, except for various entities, devoid of eolithic instrumentations and educated in the art of medicinal and surgical techniques, survived a medical procedure called "an abalation". (Not an abomination, that's what it would be if it didn't succeed.) This procedure, by the use of electricity, and/or raido-frequency, has re-adjusted my heart, back, I hope to the dynamic condition it was in when I was 18. Having had my heart broken and crushed by various romantic encounters over the years, it required a team of experts at the University Hospital of Pennsylvaina to repair years of carnage subjected to this delicate instrument. I am now home, resting, and thinking-"should I risk further damage by engaging in further romantic encounters, or should I silently fade away like so many other broken-hearted souls"? I must give the matter serious thought.
This message is to relieve everyone from further worry and concern over my condition.
Al (manumuskin) posted a letter here and I accidentally deleted it. I though I had hit the reply button and hit the edit button. When I realized that I made a second mistake and deleted his letter.
I am really sorry Al and could you please repost it. In the meantime I will give a brief idea to all what it was.
Al visited the Union graves today and there was a container there from a man named Gerry who was going to be there on a date in July at noon. Al was asking if anyone knew him. There was more but Al can post that if he wants.
So my reply was:
I know him and have had around 50 email conversations with him. He has just had heart surgery and will not be there on the day he said. He is concerned about ticks since his surgeon found one on him in his office.
He hunted there in the 30's and stumbled on the grave and goes back often. I have his email address and home address and even his telephone number. We had made plans to meet there but they have not worked out for various reasons. I am going to visit there in the fall with him.
Here is the last letter I received from him after surgery.
To all and sundry, please note:
Being the resilient septuagenarian (or is that "septic-genarian"?) that I am, I have, solely, except for various entities, devoid of eolithic instrumentations and educated in the art of medicinal and surgical techniques, survived a medical procedure called "an abalation". (Not an abomination, that's what it would be if it didn't succeed.) This procedure, by the use of electricity, and/or raido-frequency, has re-adjusted my heart, back, I hope to the dynamic condition it was in when I was 18. Having had my heart broken and crushed by various romantic encounters over the years, it required a team of experts at the University Hospital of Pennsylvaina to repair years of carnage subjected to this delicate instrument. I am now home, resting, and thinking-"should I risk further damage by engaging in further romantic encounters, or should I silently fade away like so many other broken-hearted souls"? I must give the matter serious thought.
This message is to relieve everyone from further worry and concern over my condition.