Interesting firearms stuff


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
My views have changed over the years as well. Growing up in very urban Paterson, my only environmental education was the Wonderful Word of Disney every Sunday night. My only exposure to firearms was criminal use of them. I ended up not only very anti-hunting but also anti-gun. Then while at college I became roommates and good friends with people from more rural parts of our state. I became exposed to what hunting was really about and to legitimate use of firearms. Numerous environmental and ecology courses changed my opinion of hunting wiping out our wildlife populations. Fast forward 30 years and I make Jed Clampet look GQ! It’s good to be open to change!


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
We really need the Government to get more involved in our lives to keep us all safe!

Well hold onto your hat, the government is going to be getting a lot more involved in your life....

President Barack Obama's inaugural budget sets the stage for an expansion of the federal work force and for hundreds of new rules that would widen Washington's involvement in the workings of private business.

If enacted by Congress, the budget initiatives will mark a clear end to the deregulatory philosophy of the Bush administration, signaling profound change for the nation's biggest businesses.

Mr. Obama envisions broad-based government hiring in the budget, from bomb detectors to food-safety inspectors. Some defense companies face a decline in Pentagon business, as the budget proposes to replace outside contractors with 33,600 civil servants by 2015. Other U.S. agencies would get authority to hire hundreds of additional workers, many in regulatory-enforcement jobs.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Well hold onto your hat, the government is going to be getting a lot more involved in your life....

Boyd, I agree with Obama. I think we all have seen first hand the effects of degregulation and poor safety and food inspection. I am a Federal Worker, and see how our country is often raped by contractor support and "consultants". Its too easy to just turn the job over to private industry. We have a country of 300,000,000 people. It needs regulation and governing.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Are you hip to what I'm saying? But wait, it gets murkier. The odd thing is, there is a way they can change our own Constitution to favor those ideals, and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. All you need is the votes and support. And that too, is in accordance with our own Constitution.

Your not all wet. Right now the very thing you mention may be occuring in Minnesota. Should the courts decide that one of the candidates there has lost the election, then one party will have total control of Congress and be able to do as they want, when they want, without any recourse by the citizens. It's been this way before, but never with the folks in government we have now. Once someone is elected to Congress, there is no mechanism to remove that person or persons from office, except from within Congress.

To add to Boyd's quote; announced today is a plan to give anyone on UE, grants to attend college. In the works is a plan for government to take over education loans, part of the repayment is for loanholders to work for the govt to pay off the loan. Now how do you think those folks will be voting in future elections? I am sure this is just the beginning of the 'buying votes' program.

Troubling times, and not much 'hope' on the horizon from where I sit. Who knows where it can all lead should an outside third party create a situation, there are certainly enough things going on.

As far as citizens arming themselves to save this country, I doubt that would ever come about, the times are much too different. What might be successful is our military taking action, but then we are no better than a third world country.

And to think, Jack Bauer was arrested in NYC :(

.......pity the young folks amongst us that will be paying the price.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
After skimming over these post it seems people keep mentioning armed criminals. The funny thing about criminals is they seem to have little regard for the law. Pass all the gun laws you want and watch the criminals become better armed. Not one criminal will surrender a single weapon. You will never slow the flow of illegal weapons into this country anymore than you could stop the drugs or illegals.
There will always be someone like Hugo Chavez to make sure of that. Last year Chavez purchased 1.5 million chinese AK-47's and also the rights to manufacture them . And fools in this country watch an episode of 60 minutes and are lead to believe that the mexican gun problem starts in U.S. gun shows.....suckers.
The second admendment was meant to protect us from mankind's greatest enemy, an enemy which has killed more people in the last 100 years than any war, famine or pestilence. That enemy is government. In the last hundred years Socialism has killed possibly as many as 200 million people in China and the USSR alone. But what the hell do they know, I am sure we will do it much better.
Some one said " when people fear the government you have tyranny, when the government fears the people you have liberty".
Man, we'll be decades straightening out this mess! I know some companies will not deal with you if your address has an "N.J." zip! I tried ordering a nice competition throwing ax some years back - sorry charlie - Not in Your back Yard! (Perhaps you should try a nice piece of Nerf, Pal, but not from us!) I was incensed! All those nice logs and I can't have a hatchet? Guess I better hush or the Corzine Politiboro will have a new tax on Stumps.


"When Possum's are outlawed, only outlaws will have Possum!"


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
The argument that the “well regulated militia part” means it now applies to the National Guard makes no sense, when the Bill of Rights as a whole protect the rights individuals from the federal government.

I hear what you're saying. It's important to note, though, that the "National" Guard is a state controlled force. The Feds have to ask the governors for those troops, don't they? In any event, I think it's clear that when the founders wrote the clause they meant "every free man has a right to own and carry a weapon". It's just distracting to argue about that. The Constitution has to be a living document, and so for an interpretation that works in this day and age I go to the idea of mandatory training and registration, which to some extent we have now. And I have no problem with bans on fully automatic weapons, and certain types of ammunition.


Jul 29, 2007
Some good stuff here. Where to start.

I own a few guns, nothing for hunting only for personal protection. I also have to carry some of those scary guns for work that they want to ban. I am not a huge fan of guns i think for the most part they are weapons of the weak, i own them because i dont want to bring a knife to a gun fight.

With that being said, any law that is passed to try and stop people from using firearms while committing a crime is flawed from the word go. People that are going out and robbing and raping and murdering could not care less about the gun laws. Gun laws only affect the honest law abiding citizens.

I am currently attempting to get a permit to carry, talk about jumping through hoops. If i lived 10 mins away in PA i could get a license in an afternoon. I love NJ itself, but our government is terrible. I cant think of the last time we had some one in the gov's office that was worth half a squirrel fart
