It has nothing to do with terrorists.


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
Now it is Civil War among themselves. It affects all of us in one way or another. I'm sorry to bring it up on Thankgiving, but it should not be ignored just cause we are having a great time. Its ridiculous that our government is not thinking about what to do over there 24 hours a day.

The problem, Bob, is that, evidently, "our governmint" has already "thought" about it...:jeffd:

This should keep you in reading material for the next couple of months.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
A couple notable quotes from the site you posted:

"World Government affects everyone - everyone therefore needs to know about it."

"Readers who study this site thoroughly will realise that a certain amount of contradictory material is presented. That's because the truth is not always clear; and also because it's beneficial to "read around the topic", seeing a variety of viewpoints."

"Some people can't see the whale; some can't see the elephant."

So Ebsi, give it too me with the bark off. What is the site saying? Sound bite please.


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
A couple notable quotes from the site you posted:

"World Government affects everyone - everyone therefore needs to know about it."

"Readers who study this site thoroughly will realise that a certain amount of contradictory material is presented. That's because the truth is not always clear; and also because it's beneficial to "read around the topic", seeing a variety of viewpoints."

"Some people can't see the whale; some can't see the elephant."

So Ebsi, give it too me with the bark off. What is the site saying? Sound bite please.

I don't know: I'm still reading... However, the commentary is exceedingly well documented. Broken links are few and far between. It seems uncanny to me that when I click onto his URL, I get connected almost immediately, and I use a dial--up connection. The site is humongus! Who is this guy: Who funds him?

I can't see the hippopotamus! :rofl:


PS: Bob, here are some of his links you may wish to explore in your quest for the "truth."



Apr 6, 2004
Oh, Bob, you had to bring up reality, didn't ya?

Civil war, you say? At least 161 Iraqis killed and 257 wounded just today? October '06 the deadliest month in Iraqi history?
C'mon, Bob. We need to stay the course. Speaking of course, the five course dinner I had tonite just isn't doin' it for me. I think its time for some pumpkin pie and ice cream.

I sure hope that on this day of thanks all those Iraqis are thankful for US liberating them and giving them the light of Democracy.

What? They don't celebrate Thanksgiving? I'll be damned.

I think I'll top that ice cream off with some hot cranberry sauce.....