Kayaked the Forks and the mouth of the Basto


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Great day today! I finished work early and brought my kayak down to the Mullica and went in at the bridge on 542, just north of Crowleys landing. I kayaked up to the forks and then some distance up the basto from there. When I reached the mouth (or tail I suppose) of The Basto things got interesting. I spotted a deer swimming across the length of the river, which is pretty wide at that point. What a beautiful area. I surprised two more deer in a shallow area of the river on my way back. If you have never seen a deer try to run 100 yards in a foot and a half of water I have to tell you it is something to see. Saw a bunch of red bellies, and saw three blue herons, got real close to one of them, closer than I had ever been before.

As I continued up the Basto it was a comfort to hear the sounds of the mullica (people, engines) fade away and the more familar sounds of the woods take their place. I want to go back and go all the way up to 542. Does anybody know of a closer area to put in near the forks for this up stream trip. Sweet water perhaps?



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Does sound like a nice day Jeff. I have never canoed beyond pleasant mills. I did spook a deer into Bamber lake in the back side and he had to swim 30 yards to a little Island. He was frantic.


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
a friend of mine and myself put in our kayaks at the curve at crowley's and went up the Mullica early this year and were going to go up the batsto but it was getting late, i see many wonderful things kayaking on the rivers and creeks in south jersey
i wished i would have gotten into kayaking years sooner
Apr 6, 2004

You can put in at the Forks Landing with permission from Bob, the owner. Or you could put in at Batso lake and portage across the dam. I love the Batso, man! I could 'yak it in the dark...and drunk. ( ;

Why don't you meet up with me sometime and I'll give you the historian's tour. BTW, what is a red belly?


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Thanks for the tip on the Forks landing. I've canoed the basto North of Basto lake many times but never made it south of there. I like the idea of kayaking up stream so I know my trip back will be quicker. By Red Belly I was referring to the turtle, Red belly turtles.

Apr 6, 2004
I came across this excerpt from Heston's South Jersey: 1664-1924....

Near the Headwaters of the Mullica River about five miles from the village of Elwood, is a long narrow island, midway of the stream and parallel with its course. The division thus formed is called "The Forks".......

Just what is going on here? The Island don't look like that no mores....
Apr 6, 2004
Ed, yes I know it is still there, but it doesn't fit the description made here:

Near the Headwaters of the Mullica River about five miles from the village of Elwood, is a long narrow island, midway of the stream and parallel with its course. The division thus formed is called "The Forks".......

Yeah, kids party there....and I'm there about once a month cleaning up after them. Looks like I'm due for another visit. I'm gonna have to put up some signs warning them to pick up after themselves or else....


May 29, 2003
The last time I was at Bodine field (several months ag0) someone had left a HUGE mess of camping debris near the river. I hope someone cleaned it up because I didn't have a bag or anything to do it.


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
The Forks

I think I've pin-pointed the Forks. I've been reading up a bit on lore, and they are mentioned both in the tales of Joe Mulliner and the Battle of Chestnut Neck - if someone would be so kind as to either give me coordinates or link me from Google Maps, I'd very much appreciate the reassurance that I've found the right place.
Apr 6, 2004

The term "Forks" has two meanings here. On the one hand, it refers specifically to the area around the confluence of the Batsto and Atsion rivers. On the other hand, it more generally refers to a much larger area that centers around five tributaries of the Mullica (Hammonton, Nescochague, Meschescatauxin, Atsion and Batsto creeks) near the general area of their convergence. It is a fascinating area.


New Member
Jan 26, 2009
Thanks for the information, I'd still like to try and find the specific hideout of Joe Mulliner, or the area where they scuttled ships during the Revolution, I figure the two can't be the exact same considering Mulliner was supposedly a Loyalist. I've gone to Batsto for years and in fact my parents were married at the church in Pleasant Mills right near Sweetwater. I've been taking up more interest lately because a friend of mine wants to explore the area. I was thinking about borrowing some kayaks and snooping around but there's some weird anxious feeling I have about it. My dad has run into many locals who were not so friendly, and I'm not sure about how rough the waters are (I'm not very experienced with kayaks) Any suggestions?