Kayaker/Canoe ers


Mar 25, 2007
Just wondering the number of people who own their own kayak and still use
a rental place for transportation. My cousin and I always take out two trucks.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I've used the liveries with my own stuff when I am going out with a group that is renting. It works out fine and is fairly cheap. If I am going out alone or with others who own I never use the liveries but use two trucks or paddle back to where we started from.

Here is a trick I've done:

When going alone over a long distance I will have my wife follow me to the ending point and drop her car off. Then she gets in my truck and we both drive to the start. Then i unload my canoe or kayak and she drives my truck back to her car (at the end point), she hides my keys where I know where they are and then she leaves my truck and takes off in her car with no further obligation.

this works fairly well, doesn't take up much of her time and I have a truck waiting at my end point.


kayak karl

Sep 18, 2008
Swedesboro, NJ
I've used the liveries with my own stuff when I am going out with a group that is renting. It works out fine and is fairly cheap. If I am going out alone or with others who own I never use the liveries but use two trucks or paddle back to where we started from.
ive done both also. i use a trailer so i only need a hitch. girlfriend doesn't want kayak carriers on her SUV:) when i kayak out off state i always use livery, except if its a canal trip.

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
Here is a trick I've done:

When going alone over a long distance I will have my wife follow me to the ending point and drop her car off. Then she gets in my truck and we both drive to the start. Then i unload my canoe or kayak and she drives my truck back to her car (at the end point), she hides my keys where I know where they are and then she leaves my truck and takes off in her car with no further obligation.

this works fairly well, doesn't take up much of her time and I have a truck waiting at my end point.


I used to do the same thing w/ my canoe, drop my car and keep an extra set of dad's truck keys. He would take my car back to his house and we'd have the truck to bring the canoe home.

Also used to chain the canoe fast to a telephone pole and drive my friends car back to my Jeep w/ the roof racks & drive it back to the end point, lot's of extra driving that way...

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
Mine isn't as old but it is a vintage 1972 Lenape chief Canoe 15' fiberglass bought in Medford , NJ. at the outdoor trader on stokes rd.Still going strong and stable as ever. 1958 OTC. now that has to purtty lookin!!!!!:beerspill:


May 4, 2007
I normally bring a bike along with my truck. But this limits you to short trips and you can't be in a time crunch. We normally just end up doing the wading (Hawkins to Evans), but i'm not complaining as long as i can get out on the river. It is a little over 3 miles by bike(about 20 minutes) and a 2 and a half hour paddle. Went last week and water was very high, only 2 hour paddle but very nice. I haven't seen it that high in a while.