Leap day meander along the Batsto

M1 Abrams

May 4, 2023
Burlington County
I finished filing tax reports yesterday. I couldn't help wishing that, like leap day, tax season only fell once every four years. To celebrate (and just between us, scout out a potential hideaway should I ever have to escape from those durn revenuers :eek:), I took a walk down the Central Jersey tracks going east from Shamong to the third trestle down, over the Batsto. From there I exited, stage right, and did some modest exploring.

S view from Batsto River trestle.png

Don't think I'll ever get tired of this view from the trestle.

Trees and grass along bank.png

A view across to the other bank.

Grass clumps around bank.png

This makes me think a little of something from a late night sci-fi movie, "Attack of the Piney-Eating Carnivorous Tribbles."

Across bank and river.png

A short hike to the south brought me to this pretty spot.

Trestle beam on walkabout.png

I was surprised to find this trestle beam here, some distance down the river and not overly close to the bank.

Tree visiting neighbor.png

Wonder what the tree on the left thinks about having such a forward neighbor?

Reclusive teaberries.png

I saw the teaberry on the left while walking. When I leaned down to take a closer look, its partner was discovered.

Leaning V across river.png

I remember an old movie where the goal was to find a big W. I settled for a medium V (or X if you count the reflection).

3 large mushrooms.png

Just before it was time to head back, I came across these big specimens.

3 large mushrooms_opposite side.png

View from the opposite side.

Hole under tree root arch.png

This made me think of a snapper, mouth open and offering to amputate any unwanted fingers or toes.

Fallen tree.png

Before leaving, I spend a few minutes scouting the NE bank. This fallen tree still seemed to have a measure of gravitas.