Long bike path recommendations


New Member
Dec 7, 2015
Barnegat Bay Island
I recently did the Penn branch trail, are there any other good long bike trails out there? I did the Pakim pond / my misery loop a couple years back, any other recommendations are welcome thanks in advance


Sep 15, 2016
MakePeace Lake NJ
Belleplain SF has 9 miles of MTB trail. Link it up with some of the other bikes-allowed trails and it's a good long ride.
I know someone that leads 40 mile rides annually in several different sNJ forests and WMAs. Warning: those rides will take you deep into the pain cave.

I'm partial to the trails in the Newark DE area. (Worked in the area for many years. After-work rides made the 90min commute tolerable.)
Fair Hill MD NRMA is epic old school mixed trails. I remember a couple riders saying they did 100 miles there (in one day!)w/ no duplicates.
Stacking up the DE parks WhiteClay/MiddleRun/JudgeMorris will give you a nice long ride too.

You can look thru the southern region posts on MTBNJ.com for further NJ info.
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Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
Are you looking for other marked, narrow, designated bike trails, similar to what you've done, or are you open to unmarked sand roads as well? If the later, your distances options are endless, given a park brochure, printed topo map or a phone/gps. I prefer that type of riding myself, exploring new areas rather my tires pounding the same sand so many others have. I've ridden Brendan Byrne State Forest quite a few times. Most of the roads are on the park's trail brochure, in addition to the marked trails, with nice views of old cranberry bogs and cedar swamps. Wharton has even more mileage to explore. I've ridden the Penns Branch Trail but most of the other guys were riding hard and fast, and seemingly not paying attention to what was around them. Great if that's what you are into but it's not my thing.

Wells Mills County Park, in Waretown, has a 6.2 mile multi use trail, which is part narrow trail and part old sand road. It's fairly well-marked. I know the guy that marks it.


Nov 5, 2022
Toms river
Double Trouble has a few miles of trails accessible from different entrances. Other than the trails near the village near the parking lot, there's a trail that goes out to the lake, behind the Berkeley township offices and out towards Ore Pond canoe access ( Lots of puddle and prone to flooding in parts ). The other goes over the white bridge and continues out to Lacey Rd. which can be flooded out at times.
at the Southeast corner of the bogs there's a root covered trail that, when it's not flooded by recent rain leads to an old park gate. the sand road trail then goes on to parallel the parkway until it terminates at Lacey road.
Across Lacey Rd. from Bamber lake there's a trail that goes all the way north to Cedar Creek. If you're willing to wade across the trail, it continues North through the Dover Forge area and out to Dover Rd. From there, it's possible but unlikely, to make your way down sugar sand single lane to single track to Pinewald-Keswick rd. There are a number of offshoot trails and muddy ruts that tend to wallow and peter out along the way. One could conceivably make it from Dover Forge to Ore Pond via these neglected pathways, but I haven't connected them myself.
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