thanks,no this 100$ lpi imager from meade telescopes is limited to size for my 8 inch lx 90 schmidt cassegrain 2000 mm, i wish i still had my minolta 35 mm camera,but when i was married the first time the ex took off with it(lived in pennsauken at westfield and springfield ave at the time)i will be taking shots of saturn soon as it will be rising earlier every night as winter approaches.if anyone is interested,my astronomy club has free observing sessions at batso and lake absegami starting in the spring,ill will keep people posted as to when.upto 16 inch telescopes will be there,we currently observe at coyle field,off carranza road a little past the batona camp,my old observing site was on 563 south of evans bridge at the gravel pit(east side)ther is nothing compared to a moonless clear night in the pine barrens,as you know the skies around our area suck.i have an alley light right at my backyard!!!thanks,jimbo