Map for sale on Ebay.


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
I just noticed this on Ebay. Someone is selling reproductions of old maps and they have one for Shamong. It is from 1876 I think and you can get it for about $15. I know it is not original but I might go ahead and purchase one just because I'm from Shamong (even though I say Indian Mills). Not sure what other maps this person has but thought some of you might be interested. Just go on Ebay and type in the word Shamong, the only thing that will come up is the map.


Apr 21, 2005
These maps are from Scott's 1876 Atlas of Burlington County. I am very fortunate that my mom and dad got an original atlas years ago. Unlike the repros, the originals have colored details and edges. It is filled with beautiful maps of most townships in Burlington County. I believe Bass River, Washington, and maybe Randolph townships are not represented by maps. There is a business directory in the back and a history of each township in the front plus lots of other information. The Pemberton Historic Trust (their museum is in the old Pemberton train station) reproduced the entire atlas a few years ago. It has far less beauty than the original, but, all the info is included. It was done at about 80% size to make the printing costs reasonable. They were selling them for $25 at the museum and as they printed hundreds of them, they may still have some left. I highly recommend getting one.
