Matlack superfund site

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
This and Chemical Leman's site in Bridgeport were state of the art in 1960 and both were on the EPA lists by the 80's. Both companies trucked waste to DuPont for years as the EPA had stopped the use of the lagoons during the 80's and they were pumped out then. Chem Leaman's successor Quality Carriers has a franchise operating in Bridgeport so it is an open business. Matlack went bankrupt hence the Superfund designation. The EPA will spend thousands tracking down everyone, besides Matlack, that cleaned in Sweedsboro and get them to pony up a portion of the cleanup. Both companies cleaned out their competitors plus Rollins owned Matlack and Rollins Environmental so a lot of waste was cleaned there too.

Messy, Messy, Messy though these two companies pioneered the pretreatment of waste water from chemical tank transport cleaning and progressed to environmentally cleaner methods of handling the effluents that made these lagoons potential Superfund sites. Chem Leaman's spun off cleaning company is a responsible nationwide group of cleaning facilities working in conjunction w/ the EPA and local environmental agencies.

The actual impacted area is only a small portion of the area and would have limited effect on any archeological remains in the general area.


May 10, 2003
wis bang, I'm not implying that the superfund site erased history, more so - the huge industrial park on that property essentially paved right over it! If it werent for the Raccoon Creek WMA, there would be nothing left.