By the way, it's not common knowledge, but that area is a Natural Heritage Priority site. There are places that can be classified as pine plains type in that area. This is from the document:
Locational Information
Quad Name: Brookville ; Forked River ; Woodmansie ; Keswick Grove ; Whiting
County: Ocean
Municipality: Lacey Twp ; Ocean Twp ; Manchester Twp ; Barnegat Twp
Description of Site
A few small occurrences of dwarf pine plains (<150 acres) associated with up to 1000+ acres of transitional pine
plains, and several small occurrences of hydric pine plains. Most of the plains are in the vicinity of Forked River
Mountain, near the center of a large fireshed of over 30,000 acres. Within the fireshed are extensive occurrences of pitch pine-scrub oak barrens, other pine barrens and pine-oak forests, pitch pine lowlands, red maple-black gum palustrine forest, and atlantic white cedar palustrine forest.
Boundary Justification
Fireshed limits where most plant community-maintaining wildfires would originate and be contained within, using convenient man-made and natural firebreaks and distribution of flammable pine barren plant communities for management purposes.
Biodiversity Rank B2
The site contains a globally imperiled pine plains natural community.