Mount Misery


New Member
Oct 19, 2008
sunday night oddity...really weird

ok, tonight 10/19/08 around 7:00 pm me and 2 of my friends were going down mt. misery road this past sunday. coming from rt. 70 we turned onto the road and went down past the camp and made a right on a somewhat dirt road. then we made a few lefts and rights and after we came to a tree that was blocking our path we got out of the car. we walked for about 20 mins with just our flashlights and my cars headlights on when my friend heard something that sounded like silverware hitting a glass. this scared us to death because how could we hear something all the way back in these woods? we decided to head back to the car but this is when the real scary shit happened. as we were walking back both of my friends, but not me, saw something shadowy go past my headlights. they freaked out and stopped. we just sat there for a min and realized we should get back in the car. i had no room to turn around so i had to reverse out of there. once again my friend in the passenger seat saw something go past the headlights into the woods. so i sped up and got the hell outta there. tru story, scared the shit outta us. i kno i am never gonna go back there at night again.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Depending on how far past the camp you went you were either on Forest Rd. or Butterworth Rd. I don't recall a tree blocking either, but there were some windy days recently, so who knows? If it was Forest Rd. there is a structure not far from there that I believe is a gun club, or possibly a residence. Remember it is hunting season, and there are more people in the woods than at other times of the year. So you may very well have heard silverware clinking on glass. Noises carry further in the woods at night than you might think. The shadowy motion? Probably a deer as others have said. There are no monsters in the woods, so stop freaking yourself out :).

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Why is it that these things never seem to happen on Sunshine Rd. or Puppy Dog Rd. or Happy Rd., it's always Mt. Misery Rd, Shades of Death Rd., etc.?

It's very easy to get freaked out in the woods. I am not a fan of being in the woods at night.


New Member
Dec 31, 2006
Mount Misery Trail

I ride my mountain bike on the Mount Misery trail loop out of Pakim Pond in the dark year round and have never had a problem with 2 or 4 legged weirdness. I have seen deer's eyes reflected back from my helmet light and they are neat. I have heard coyote's howl. I have introduced night riding to new riders using this trail and they have all had a blast.


New Member
Dec 7, 2016
toms river
My experience on mount misery road in Pemberton township happened a few years ago around 2011. My 3 friends took my jeep and followed another car of friends to mount misery from the jersey shore area to check things out. Ive been there before to see the cross and church seats in the woods which is nothing crazy. However this experience differed in a major way. The time was about midnight and right before we got to the entrance of mount misery off route 70 I stopped at the entrance directly across from the mount misery entrance to take a wiz lol. Got back in my jeep and headed for the camp however as I was pulling in I noticed I did not have my cellphone with me for I was playing music on the way there. I figured to myself I must of dropped my phone when I went to pee so I turned around and told my friends what happened. As I was leaving the camp site my friend in the back seat told me I was calling his phone?? This was impossible because I searched my jeep and my pants with no phone. He then told Me I called him a second time and left a voicemail! Sure enough my headlights got onto the trail where I stopped and my phone was laying in the middle of the trail....(This being with multiple witnesses) We listened to the voicemail on my friends phone which was about a minute long of echoing tapping.
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The Jersey Devil lives in that house. The Methodists are just there to keep him from claiming too many victims.