My Car


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I figured since we were discussing it I would give you an update on my car. I took it in for a noise in the engine which appeared to be the idler pulley, last Tuesday, and I picked it up yesterday with a $950. bill that is covered by warranty. They say that the starter was not disengaging from the flywheel and sparks were coming off as the engine ran. This all is plausible and up to that point I was happy with the dealer until they tried to pull a fast one. They shouldn't do that to someone who rebuilt muscle cars as a kid and always looks things over before I leave.

From the beginning.

Tuesday I dropped it off.

Wednesday they called and said they had replaced the idler but the flywheel was bad. I said I needed a rental and they said fine.

Thursday I had to call them and they said it was ordered from Detroit and didn't come.

Friday it was not finished and they needed it until Monday.

Monday they called and said it was finished. I drove over after work and turned in the rental. I then went to the Cashier and picked up the keys and walked to my car and opened the hood. These photo's show what I saw. The first photo shows the bolt on the exhaust flange sheered off. The bolt above that is shown in the second photo.

An employee was walking by and asked what was wrong and I showed him, We went inside and he mentioned it to my service representative and she told me to just keep the rental and they would look at it the next day. She had not idea about the bolts as far as I am concerned. Someone was trying to slip them by me and her. I had turned in the rental so I had to rent another car. They paid for it. I had also notice a tapping in the engine for a few seconds when I started it which never occurred before. So when I got home I left a message on her voice mail about it. On Tuesday she called and said they test drove my car and there was no tapping and there was nothing wrong with it and for me to come get it. I asked about the bolts and she said she had told me that they had ordered three bolts and when they came in they would call me and I also would receive a card in the mail. I angrily asked her why she did not tell me on Monday the bolts were broken and she said she had. If she knew about the bolts she would have told me when I came back complaining that they had ordered them, but she didn't she just told me to rent another car.

I hung up and called to ask for the service manager and he was out on a road test. I left my name and within minutes my service rep called back trying to explain again that they had ordered the bolts. She just evaded my point that they were trying to slip one by me and I had caught them. Just imagine me not knowing about these bolts and sometime in the future me getting a post card in the mail telling me my three bolts were in. I would not have even known what it was about. And even worse there is only one bolt holding the flange together properly. And worse yet I told her I was going on vacation and need them put in within two weeks and she said they would call when they came in.

She also informed me that there is a heat shield on order to cover the catalytic converter at that connection which I take as they also damage that. I can't remember if there was a shield there or not but on my wife's car which is the same but has a different engine has one. It covers the bolts so if they put one on mine I will not be able to see if they replaced the bolts or not. I will remove it if I have to to check to see if they did the work properly.



May 10, 2003
i work at pep boys (unfortunately). you got lucky because if that had happened in our shop, chances are good the mechanic would have simply left the broken parts there and sent the car out as if everything was ok. dont worry, i just put in my 2 weeks to get out of that hell hole.



Years ago I went to Pep Boys to have a fan belt put on my Datsun 210. I would have done it myself, but it was cold outside and I didn't have a warm garage to work in. So I figured that even Pep Boys couldn't screw up a simple job like that. Well, they did! They put the belt on the wrong pulley and the car overheated. Thinking the overheating had nothing to do with the work that was just done, I drove to a Datsun dealer I trusted a few miles away. The service manager told me the belt was put on the wrong pulleys, which caused the car to overheat. They did some tests and found no damage was done. Pep Boys denied it so I called the service manager who said that he was willing to attest that the fan belt was put on the wrong pulleys. I called a regional manager from Pep Boys, who refused to believe anyone from Pep Boys would do something that stupid, but that in the name of good customer relations, he agreed to refund my money for the job Pep Boys did. Manny, Moe, and Jack. More like Larry, Curly and Moe. :rolleyes: