New version in the works
Today I finally put together all the pieces of the new map which includes landcover textures. This has been a big project, and still has a ways to go, but the pieces are coming together. I just need to resolve a few issues with the new software I'm using.
In Guy's words, I am trying hard to "fill in the blank spots" on the map

. To my surprise, this version looks like it even works acceptably on the 60csx, and no separate version is required:
Here it is on the Nuvi:
And the Oregon:
You may want to consider this as an alternative to - not a replacement for - the old version of the map. It has a more photographic look which reveals some interesting things, but I have removed the state forest borders because that just clutters the picture too much. It is also a MUCH bigger map - 195MB vs. 35MB for the old version.
So this is where my efforts have been concentrated recently, and probably will be for awhile to come. I'm getting busy at work now, but if there's interest in this new map I'll try to make it available soon - definitely in BETA form, but it works. We'll have to see how Ben feels about hosting a big download like this too.