National Public Lands Day is Sat 9/22


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
NEEF (National Environmental Education Foundation) National Public Lands Day web page:

I know of only 2 Pinelands events.

1. National Public Lands Day at Wharton State Forest, Sat 9/22 10:30am - 2:30pm at Batsto, "Join us for trail upkeep workday". This is listed on the NJ DEP Parks and Forests events page, but not on the NEEF USA page. I don't know anything more about their plans.

2. National Public Lands Day Volunteer Project at Bass River State Forest, Sat 9/22 9:30am-12:30pm. This is listed on both the NJ DEP Parks and Forests events page and on the NEEF USA page. "After check in at Forest Office [we] will be carpooling to location. Bring gloves and insect repellent. Snacks and tools provided." The location we're going to is Ballanger Creek Habitat Enhancement Project site on US-9 at the Ocean County/Burlington County line.

There are 4 possible projects, but what gets done will depend on how many people show up (and if any of the equipment breaks...) From the NEEF USA page: "spreading chips on the Red Dot trail, planting native milkweed, trimming trails and repairing the entrance driveway."

Weather forecast is pretty good: partly sunny, high 78