New book on the Jersey Central RR?


Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
TeeGate said:


Thanks for the links. Sounds tempting but I will wait until the CNJ Festival in September to see what I can find. Several years ago I picked up the Trail of the Blue Comet for only $55; I've seen them go as high as $70.

Thanks to your directions, I found the CNJ switch near Pasadena. It was a little tough to move but it worked. I also noticed the marking of Conrail with the date of 1984.

I also met Trish at Old Halfway and back at Marilyn's.

Here was my trip with pictures to follow:

I was talking to the owner of the hardware store on Union Avenue Lakehurst. He tells me that is father has pictures of the Blue Comet when it passed there many years ago.

I found the bridges about 100 feet down the trail as it split into two. I then proceeded to Upton Station Rd and Rail Way. Unfortunately, there was nothing to find except a real scary road that leads back to a Body Shop. One of the trucks back there looks like the one used in the movie "Jeepers Creepers".

So I proceeded down the Southern Secondary to Brooksbrae/Pasadena where I saw the concrete marker that shows the border between Ocean and Burlington County.

I then went down a little further and found a switch that still works. The date o the switch is 1984 and it has the Conrail marking.

Heading down Savoy Blvd, I took a walk on the bridge that crosses over RT72. Some of those ties are really showing their age.

Continuing down Savoy Blvd to Chatsworth, I saw a plant there which was a customer of CNJ; you can see the track cross over to this abandoned factory.

I then headed to Atsion and then went down Hampton Road. I found High Crossing and where I believe was Atsion station.

I then went back on to RT206 and crossed over to find Parkdale and Elm and on to Winslow Junction.

These tracks are less visible in this area then anywhere that I've seen in the Pines.

At Winslow, there was some mechanic in he train starting it up and letting it run for ten minutes before shutting it down.

I went to Angelo's Deli and Liquor store to see if I can talk to the owner as I did about 5 years ago. At that time, the son told his father that I was looking for Winslow Junction. When the father returned, he had pictures of the terrible accident that occurred there in the early 1920s. Unfortunately, the store was vacated and had signs up that the store was for sale.

Not a bad day seeing as I found pretty much everything I was looking for.

I also hear that some owner of an excursion train has submitted to some state agency the right to bring an excursion train to run from somewhere in Whiting to Chatsworth. I hear the paperwork was submitted about four months ago. How nice would it be to see a train there again.

One question I did have is there is some factory that is located on Savoy Blvd that appears to have been a customer of Conrail as I can see the track cross the road. Does anyone know what they manufactured there?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
njvike said:
One question I did have is there is some factory that is located on Savoy Blvd that appears to have been a customer of Conrail as I can see the track cross the road. Does anyone know what they manufactured there?


That sounds like a busy day. Nice to see you had a good time.

That factory's name is not known by me, but everyone calls it the Sex Plant.

Just across Savoy Blvd from there, was where Pioneer Smelting was located, and they had a spur into their plant. I am not sure if the rail is still there since they have cleaned that place up. I will be in the area tomorrow and will check it out if I can.



Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
TeeGate said:
njvike said:
One question I did have is there is some factory that is located on Savoy Blvd that appears to have been a customer of Conrail as I can see the track cross the road. Does anyone know what they manufactured there?


That sounds like a busy day. Nice to see you had a good time.

That factory's name is not known by me, but everyone calls it the Sex Plant.

Just across Savoy Blvd from there, was where Pioneer Smelting was located, and they had a spur into their plant. I am not sure if the rail is still there since they have cleaned that place up. I will be in the area tomorrow and will check it out if I can.



The tracks that crossed Savoy Blvd are gone. I believe the county must have either removed or repaved this road as of last year as I remember seeing them last year.

I know you're correct as being a Smelting Plant at one time since the girl who sells hotdogs in the center of Chatsworth told me the same; I just couldn't remember when I posted this message.

The tracks do go inside the plant.

They are plenty of deer there as I almost nailed one several weeks ago. Gotta love 4-wheel disc.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
njvike said:

The tracks that crossed Savoy Blvd are gone. I believe the county must have either removed or repaved this road as of last year as I remember seeing them last year.

I know you're correct as being a Smelting Plant at one time since the girl who sells hotdogs in the center of Chatsworth told me the same; I just couldn't remember when I posted this message.

The tracks do go inside the plant.

They are plenty of deer there as I almost nailed one several weeks ago. Gotta love 4-wheel disc.


The Pioneer Smelting across the street from the Sex Plant, which is on the opposite side of the tracks from Savoy Blvd had a train siding there along the side of the large building. While standing on the siding I noticed the tracks headed toward the JCRR tracks but ended before it. I walked closer to the JCRR tracks and did not see a switch and assumed it had been removed. I did not check extensively to see if there still was one there. But in any event there was one there at one time to supply Pioneer Smelting, and one would assume remove items from there.

There is now way to check on that now.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I stopped in at Pioneer Smelting this morning and checked out the tracks. Here are the tracks that originally went to the building.

In this view you can see the cement post that is used at most intersections.

This view is looking back at the tracks where it must have connected at one time. Or there may have been a long siding that ran parallel with the tracks for a while and then connected. In any event it was a while ago from the size of the trees in the path.

In this photo you can see where the buildings were, and the dirt that has been removed and replaced.

And the lone water tower.



Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ

Excellent Pics (I like the picture of the tower). I wanted to upload mine but I don't want to take up too much disk space on Ben's server and trains doesn't seem to have much appeal here, I believe, so I will be spending the next several days uploading my shots to either my ISP or a dedicated server for trains.

How's the weather down there today? I was going to come down and explore in that region as well as Winslow Jct. again, but it sounded like it was going to be approaching into the 90s with humidity. In fact, as I type this post, we're getting a nice T-Storm but it appears to be all bark and no bite with very little rain.

Did you ever get a new car? Hope you are all doing well.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
njvike said:

Excellent Pics (I like the picture of the tower). I wanted to upload mine but I don't want to take up too much disk space on Ben's server and trains doesn't seem to have much appeal here, I believe, so I will be spending the next several days uploading my shots to either my ISP or a dedicated server for trains.

How's the weather down there today? I was going to come down and explore in that region as well as Winslow Jct. again, but it sounded like it was going to be approaching into the 90s with humidity. In fact, as I type this post, we're getting a nice T-Storm but it appears to be all bark and no bite with very little rain.

Did you ever get a new car? Hope you are all doing well.


I now use my comcast webspace. I have two accounts that I use, so I have 50MB of space available. We have 7 accounts with my wife and kids taking up three of the remaining 4 so I even have another 25MB available giving me 75MB.

The sun is out here.

We bought a used 2003 Focus to replace the totaled one. It has some minor flaws, and it just is not like when you buy a new car.



Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
TeeGate said:
njvike said:

Excellent Pics (I like the picture of the tower). I wanted to upload mine but I don't want to take up too much disk space on Ben's server and trains doesn't seem to have much appeal here, I believe, so I will be spending the next several days uploading my shots to either my ISP or a dedicated server for trains.

How's the weather down there today? I was going to come down and explore in that region as well as Winslow Jct. again, but it sounded like it was going to be approaching into the 90s with humidity. In fact, as I type this post, we're getting a nice T-Storm but it appears to be all bark and no bite with very little rain.

Did you ever get a new car? Hope you are all doing well.


I now use my comcast webspace. I have two accounts that I use, so I have 50MB of space available. We have 7 accounts with my wife and kids taking up three of the remaining 4 so I even have another 25MB available giving me 75MB.

The sun is out here.

We bought a used 2003 Focus to replace the totaled one. It has some minor flaws, and it just is not like when you buy a new car.


Well, if you ever into the market for a used car in EXCELLENT condition, just let me know. As much as I don't want to sell it, my wife has been nagging me for years to sell it as it's just sitting in my garage for several years.

I have a 1991 Mercury Cougar XR7 with many options and only 55K miles on it. The only problem, at least here in the North part of the state, is that it's RWD and is okay in the snow but not great.

There are no dents, scratches and the paint and interior are in great shape. I was going to hold out to see a friend of mine, who owns a body shop, was willing to swap out a Buick GN but he sold it.