New Car or Nearly New Car


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
My dark green VW Golf on 10-29-2000. That was one of my favorites, not sure but think it was nearly new when this was taken.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
But green VW's are good. That great VW "Super Beetle" i mentioned above was dark green. Good camouflage in the NJPB.
As opposed to my yellow beetle. But damn, that thing was great in the sand. I'm surprised I don't have a photo of it, other than one photo from the inside of it.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I was living in Pittsburgh in 1974 and didn't have a car. Was moving to Maine with my girlfriend for new jobs and had my eye on a VW Beetle, it was $500 at a dealer - a pretty recent model IIRC. My father was so concerned about the safety of the VW that he gave me his 1972 Pinto station wagon instead - talk about "out of the frying pan, into the fire" - but, hey, it was free! :D

Actually, that was a pretty nice car, 4 speed manual transmission - it was also dark green. We set it up with an air mattress in the back and my girlfriend made some dark green curtains that I rigged on cables to cover the windows. We lived in that thing for awhile! Put quite a lot of miles on it, including at least one trip to California. Rather under-powered and needed a lot of maintenance though. At least it didn't explode - those problems were (evidently) limited to the sedan version of the Pinto.
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