New Member, wants to say Hi and share some recent travels.


Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
I work within blocks of the so called "purgatory house". I remember reading about it on the 'weird' site or another similar to it. They may have removed it now as I can't seem to find the article. I do remember that the man who owned and left the house and all his families belongings wrote to them and they posted his letter. What I recall is........When the family left the home they had all intentions of returning to retrieve their belongings, but everyone got busy and no one returned for several years. Meantime we all know that the local kids destroyed the place. Yes, there was a death in the family, I believe the man said that his sister was hit by a car. Anyway, just a few years ago a co-worker (who also lives in the neighborhood) spoke with a man who said that he had purchased the property for his own private hunting grounds. He posted all the signs to keep the kids from getting hurt and doing anymore damage. Please note that it is private property and neighbors are watching.


New Member, wants to say Hi and share some recent travel

Hi Alex,
As others have said, you went in the Atsion schoolhouse. It's actually the newest old buiding at Atsion. According to the book Heart of the Pines it was built in 1916, but closed down in 1922.
vivalamexico said:
Hi folks!
My name is Alex I live in medford. Ive been outdoorsy all my life growing up in the woods around the brandywine. Ive lived in medfrod for about 12 years now and I am just getting into exploring the vast mysteries of the pinelands. Me and a few other cohorts took a trip on the weekend of Sept 10. We traveled to Atsion to have a look at that abandoned and boarded up building at the beginning quaker bridge road. We got there around 2:30 or so in the AM armed with a maglite, a mining helmet, and a video camera. One of the plywood boards used to board the windows had been previously dislodged, probably from drunken idiots who would rather destroy the place then look at it with any real merit. We climbed inside and I got video of the entire building and even climed an old closet/amoire thing to get video of the attic. Most spooky in there, and the stars were out in full effect shining through the holes in the roof.
I agree with you. All they need to do is put new rooves on some of the salvageable buildings in the ghost towns and they will hold up for a good long while. That's what they do in Bodie, California. There's a phrase they came up with that describes that- keeping old buildings in ghost towns in the somewhat ruined condition they are in, and preventing them from falling down, by putting new rooves on them. Of course when I try to think of the phrase it goes out of my head. :think:
It's a great idea, but I don't see the state spending the money. Wish they would. That house in Weymouth won't last much longer. I believe it's the last remaining workers' house. What a shame.
jokerman said:
I really wish these Parks would do something to maintain the little that's left. I know they upkeep the mansion, but the scholl is probably older and all it needs is a new roof. Despite its vulnerable location and its age, it's in decent shape, at least salvageable. Same thing at (1) bulding left and the last time I was there, it had partially collapsed. You could see the house was bulging with the contents of its last resident. All these people have to do is put a new roof on and that would do a lot. Again, it's dangerous in some of these structures and scaling into them probably lends at least a little bit of damage. Glad you're enjoyng the Pinelands nightlife.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Just like many communities do when they build a playground with volunteers, the state could also do. They could find someone for FREE who would be interested in getting businesses and private individuals to replace the roofs on these places.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Sure, the state can't afford this sort of thing. But McGreevey didn't mind spending millions on commercials to promote himself by bragging about fixing EZ pass and the DMV....


The phrase I was trying to think of, that the state of California uses in reference to putting rooves on the old buildings and so on at Bodie- they call it "arrested decay". They keep the building in it's "ghost town" state, yet preserved. I like that term. :)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BarryC said:
The phrase I was trying to think of, that the state of California uses in reference to putting rooves on the old buildings and so on at Bodie- they call it "arrested decay". They keep the building in it's "ghost town" state, yet preserved. I like that term. :)

It is a good term and idea, that is why NJ does not embrace it.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
They do in some places.



May 29, 2003
What a great example of a roof to protect from the time, that which, somehow breeds the point of interest to begin with. What a parable! I was in Medford last week and realized that some towns occasionally enbrace their history..others are not as able to be consolidated to do so. Can we possibly send this message to the appropriate people to let them know that we are at least aware of this situation. You would really think it would be taken care of, but I bet that a little bit of public awareness can really work wonders...sometimes.

BTW, this weekend is the great Pine Barrens CampJam that features a slough of great bands playing in the Pine Barrens off Route 206. It's really a blast. You pay like 25 bucks for the music and camp site..BYOB. I especially recommend seeing Billy Hector on Saturday Night. He REALLY WILL blow your socks off. It's on a beautiful Pine Barrens Lake and you can dance on the sugar sands under the moonlight! here's their website:


New Member
May 15, 2005
not true

BEHR655 said:
I have also heard that the owner of that mansion is Alan Iverson.
i know the people who live in the house, and its not allen iverson. and if you hear a story about some cuban people living in the purgatory house thats also fake. i know the guy that made it up and told the papers


New Member
May 15, 2005
its not real

the whole thing about the paper article...the story is fake. i know the guy who made it up. ive been in the house before. back when all the crap was still in it. and kids went there and spraypainted on the walls and stuff...pretty creppy...and yes, there are basketball courts at that huge house. ive been inside it and i know the poeple that live there