No camping - Flood? What a joke

Do you think they should have closed the campgrounds?

  • Yes, Close them all for safety reasons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 16, 2003
Boston, MA
TeeGate said:
Do you drive vehicles into the area's you camp at, or walk?



We drive but park where a road ends. Then we walk about 20 - 25min down a trail or two. We've never had rangers actually take the time to walk out to actually investigate something. It was a Saturday morning and you know as well as I that if they can't drive it, they usually don't bother . . .

Lesson learned, park farther away and get up earlier :?



Feb 6, 2003
Winslow, NJ
Waders Yes. Farm Question

There is or was a pretty lucrative blueberry farm right close to Lake Oswego. There are red-colored POSTED signs in the area. I have heard rumors that the farm is now run by the state.

Does any of this hold true?


Feb 6, 2003
Winslow, NJ
Does it interest anyone? BCCI Meeting

Just got word that Flo is attending the Batsto Citizen's Committee Meeting on Sunday.

Im card-carrying a member of the BCCI. Im doing the best to clear my schedule, but it doesnt look promising. Darn!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
ZZ3GMC said:
I believe her name is Carmella. Ive run into her a few times on my bike and she has always been nice.

So I guess my first impression was correct. Thanks.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
NewSchoolPiney said:
TeeGate said:
Do you have waders?



No, I don't yet. But usually we go with about 4 to 8 people, and most of them aren't willing to use waders just to go camping one night. I like the rope swing we have, it's more Swiss Family Robinson-esque. 8)


I was asking because I have a remote place you could go, but without waders you can't get there.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
ZZ3GMC said:
I believe her name is Carmella. Ive run into her a few times on my bike and she has always been nice.

She's nice even after running into her with your bike? :shock:

She must be tough as nails........... :wink:


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
how did they find you

NewSchoolPiney said:
Lawyers yes, but we wouldn't have lawyers without the sick cycle of excessive human wants and greed propelling them to action.

I got in trouble for camping illegally in the middle of the woods (Wharton) about a month ago. We have been camping there since high school (about 5 years). It's a great spot that isn't even accessible by a sand road. You have to walk a good 15 minutes through the woods to get there. The rangers woke us up at 9 am all serious acting like we were terrorists or something. We had all of our trash cleaned up from the night before and the fire (which was miniscule) was more than put out. They seemed very "surprised" that we had cleaned up our trash the night before. Voluntarily, we would go out to this general area of Wharton at least once or twice a year to clean up the trash that other thoughtless folk had strewn about. You put in your time, and you can't even get a little bit of unsupervised freedom in nature . . .

It really irks me that because some people can't take care of a fire or take out their trash, we cannot do true wilderness camping. If I ever rise to some position within the Division of Parks and Services, my first goal is to get a small wilderness camping area set up in that huge section of the Batona Trail between Batsto and Washington.

There are adults in this world, but most of them choose to act like children, and therefore like children we shall all be treated.



how did they find you

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Amen to a wilderness campsite. I do a lot of day hiking in the Pines, but our lack of backpacking overnight sites is astounding. Their is no reason it should have to be this way. Part of the problem with trash and fire trouble comes from car access to sites. These folks drive in and bring everything under the sun with them. Many's the time I have seen this and the aftermath they leave behind. Bottles of every sort and every kind of trash imaginable. Thiis says nothing for the drunken parties that accompany them. Don't get me wrong, I like to pack in a little drink or two to unwind after a long day, but drunken ugly bashes should not be acceptable at remote campsites. If sites were more remote, and not ones you could drive up within a mile to, this problem would disappear. I have yet to meet a backpacker that does not take leave no trace to heart. Get rid of the cars and you get rid of the trash.
Lets all think about writing up some kind of petition, hell I'd be happy to do the trail work to this campsite. Anybody else agree?


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
every state I have camped in allows you to camp where you will,why is Jersey the exception. Every other state also limits car access, it seems Jersey has it unusual.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Well fella's if your game lets all right up what we think than go over it as a group. I'm sure support can be not only gained from here, but also the Batona Hiking club, my band of M.A.Y.P hikers, and a load of other orgs as well.
This will take a degree of commitment from us, but I'm willing to put in some quality time with paper and footwork as well as trail duties if you guys are. I'm gonna start today and devote some of my lunch time to see what comes out. I think this could be exciting opportunity for all of us who love the Pines and want to use them in a cleaner, safer, more fun environment!

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
no wilderness camp in jersey

My brother and i recentely hiked the wilderness trail from atsion towards quaker bridge ,and what we found was a prime example of why jersey will never allow wilderness camping where ever you want ,we saw trash and debris and hanging on an other wise beautifull mountain laurel bush was human waste and the used toilet paper so carefully placed for all to see .Now if people do that in plain sight what would it look like if these people were allowed to camp where ever they wanted. My brother and i try and spend as much time out there as is possible and we to wish we could camp where ever we wanted ,but seeing all that i can understand why it will never happen in jersey:(


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Piney Boy said:
Some thoughts;
were will this site be?
who do we want to contact to aid in this endeavor?

I'll sign it:

Where: Wharton, Lebanon, and Double Trouble.
Distance: At least one mile from a paved road and 500 yards from any sand road.
Contact: Try the NJ web site, probably a division of Parks and Forestry Head.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
tom m said:
My brother and i recentely hiked the wilderness trail from atsion towards quaker bridge ,and what we found was a prime example of why jersey will never allow wilderness camping where ever you want ,we saw trash and debris and hanging on an other wise beautifull mountain laurel bush was human waste and the used toilet paper so carefully placed for all to see .Now if people do that in plain sight what would it look like if these people were allowed to camp where ever they wanted. My brother and i try and spend as much time out there as is possible and we to wish we could camp where ever we wanted ,but seeing all that i can understand why it will never happen in jersey:([/QUO

How come there is so much of that in Jersey and so little in other states?? Because people who do that are mostly not hikers.Limit car access,limit litter and other nonsense.