

Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have been working in Philadelphia all week and it was so miserable when I came home last night that I didn't even go out for a walk. I use my wheelbarrow as an unofficial rain gauge, and had emptied it out on Tuesday evening. This evening I went out, and to my amazement there was about 10 inches of water in it!

Wow... there wasn't much clue there had been so much rain elsewhere, since the sandy soil just drinks it up. And the wheelbarrow wasn't even out in the open, it was under a big tree. This is the wettest summer I can remember for the past 6 or 7 years at least, maybe more. The ground has never dried out in my woods and my yard looks like a mushroom farm! :)

It's all good though - also some of the most lush foliage I've ever seen out in the woods.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We have been stealing the rain from other parts of the country :) Enjoy it since next year we may do a 180. :bang:



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
How's the Ticks been out your way with all the rain this year ?

Ticks? What are those? I haven't seen a single one in more than a month. That's the way it usually seems to be as the summer wears on. But chiggers... that's another story! I got several bites scattered around in various places last weekend, probably from wandering through some brush in Belleplain.

Guy, that is so true. I am enjoying the wet summer actually, but the humidity can be a little hard to handle some of the time.
Oct 25, 2006
Ticks? What are those? I haven't seen a single one in more than a month. That's the way it usually seems to be as the summer wears on. But chiggers... that's another story! I got several bites scattered around in various places last weekend, problem from wandering through some brush in Belleplain.

Guy, that is so true. I am enjoying the wet summer actually, but the humidity can be a little hard to handle some of the time.


The chiggers didn't penetrate your permanone armor, did they ?

I think if i remember correctly that Guy and Al had a heavy Tick and Fire Ant encounter in Belleplain last Summer.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The chiggers didn't penetrate your permanone armor, did they ?

Unfortunately I've found that permanone is not nearly as effective against chiggers as it is with ticks (but I don't practice full body immersion like you do :dance:). However, I didn't wear my treated clothes on the Belleplain trip since it was spontaneous. I did spray with the concentrated deep woods off and tuck everything in though...

The old timers would dump some in the wife's nylon stockings and tie it off. Then you slap yer naked body with it from the trunk on down.

Any site that has sulfur powder listed along with cannon fuse is a place I want to order from! My Pop-pop Wobbar used to tie kerosene or Diesel soaked rag strips at his boot tops to keep ticks out. With all the additives and fuel enhancers, that would probably kill you now. He worked roadside as well as in the woods and farm. Chiggars are another matter as they work thier way though cloth. I find heavy perminone application to clothing helps, but take cool showers or baths asap! (Wash your clothing as soon as you can and treat the vehicle interior too! They wait for you with extreme patience.)


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj

The chiggers didn't penetrate your permanone armor, did they ?

I think if i remember correctly that Guy and Al had a heavy Tick and Fire Ant encounter in Belleplain last Summer.


there are no fire ants in NJ.they only come up as far as southern va.they are projected to eventually reach southern nj and when they do I'm leaving.What me nad Guy encountered was north of cumberland along manumuskin was large alleghent ant mounds.their are about 20 of these up there.One is right next to the large stone i took you to.thats the one that got me.Usually these ants are not that aggressive as long as you stay off their mounds.the problem was it was about 90 degrees or better that day and the ants were going crazy.the stone is literally only two feet from this one mound and as i stood next to it i looked down and they were running up my pants legs.I have had fire ant encounters down south in the past and now have a phobia of ants in large quantities on my person.I looked down and seen the ants and let out a squeal that would have made a little girl proud.I proceeded to leave guy and Jess in the dust.When I got far enough away i looked back and Guy was calmly brushing ants from his legs and jess was far enough away they didn't get and Guy had another ant encounter in theat big swamp he posted on a few weeks ago.he had many little black ants run up his arm and start biting him.they were nesting in a rotten log he broke off while grasping it.he again took it quite calmly.I had to walk along this log to cross deep water and the ants were all over it.I gleefully waded into belly deep water to avoid the dreaded log.This prompted a discussion of why I'm such a sissy and what each one fears.I also fear wasps and bees in large numbers.biting and stinging insect swarms do me in.I have stepped in quite a few yellowjacket nests and one i was trapped over in a briar tangle and could not get away while they ravaged me.I won't say what Guys only fear is but I can say that i have never heard him scream in terror like he has heard me do.Give me a rattler anyday.keep the ants and wasps, I hates em.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
A week ago I was walking through the woods, minding my own business and a bee stung me right on the tip of my little finger. Guess I must have bumped against his leaf. DAMN that hurt! Took about a week for the swelling to go down.
Oct 25, 2006
A week ago I was walking through the woods, minding my own business and a bee stung me right on the tip of my little finger. Guess I must have bumped against his leaf. DAMN that hurt! Took about a week for the swelling to go down.


My grand kid got stung by a bee last week, my daughter called up the Doctor, before he even mentioned calling in scripts to the local Rite Aid, he advised my daughter to put a copper penny on the sting for 30 minutes, about 30 minutes later the hurt went away.

The Doctor said that the copper neutralizes the venom thereby taking away the pain, it worked.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
The Doctor said that the copper neutralizes the venom thereby taking away the pain, it worked.


I wonder if that might work for Greenhead bites, got bit up pretty bad at Forsythe NWR on Saturday.

A bad picture taken thru the windshield, There were more out there than dollars in the USA deficit.



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
I was paddling the Mullica south of Atsion yesterday, down to just north of Locks Bridge Rd. It was soggy and hot, but surprisingly not buggy at all, at least not until later in the day when the skeeters came out.

Really high water and a good current, too. We started south and paddled upstream for an hour or so, then reversed. Not a single snag did I have to drag over.


Oct 24, 2008
Sourland Mountains
I wonder if that might work for Greenhead bites, got bit up pretty bad at Forsythe NWR on Saturday.

A bad picture taken thru the windshield, There were more out there than dollars in the USA deficit.


Ugh, Forsythe and anywhere around there in the summer... they'll swarm and then eat you alive, viciously.

I took these in Brigantine, another greenhead haven:




Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Ugh, Forsythe and anywhere around there in the summer... they'll swarm and then eat you alive, viciously.

I took these in Brigantine, another greenhead haven:

Anywhere there is a marsh they wait. They were flying in the downwind slipstream of the truck, there were billions of them, waiting for a window or door to open. Next trip I'm bringing the .410 :D