Obama plan for spotted owl targets rival bird

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Fox News and Comedy Central.
LOL I was aware of the superiority of the free market system and the freedom, liberty and economic opportunity it provides over the poverty, tyranny and enslavement of a government run command control economy long before FOX News existed.

This thread isn't about economics, energy and health-care reform, though I would join many in arguing that our current administration is attempting to move us in a sensible direction in regard to each.
Apparently a lot of people disagree with you. The latest Gallup poll shows that 75% of Americans believe it is unconstitutional for a president to mandate that they purchase health care. The Chevy Volt is a POS that nobody wants to drive and green energy cannot compete in the market without being subsidized by government.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I haven't seen any other suggestions here on how to save the spotted owl -- but instead we're using it as an opportunity to bash the current administration. My take on the deal is that there are seven billion of us on the planet now, and I see no effort in progress to curtail that number.

So you agree that it is acceptable to kill one life form in favor of another? Didn't some guy with a funny little mustache try they way back when? Rather than use the term bash, how about hold accountable?

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
I don't like Obama either, but there's something I can agree with. Why not take this discussion over to the politics forum where it belongs?

I couldn't respond to it in the political forum because it wasn't there. :D

Sorry, not trying to create a stir here. I am an unabashed Conservative/Constitutionalist and I hold a Christian world view. I have read this form enough times to know that there are plenty of people here who are diametrically opposed to both so, like in my face to face relationships, when I'm interacting with people who hold a different world view, I generally avoid topics that will cause arguments. I guess that's getting a little harder to do as I watch this country and our culture swirling faster and deeper down the toilet bowl. I tried to express my opinion and disagreement on this topic without using ad hominem attacks. I think I succeeded?


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Thats my problem Old Crazy.I know very little about politics,economics and such,but I know quite a bit about religion so my politics follow my religion.I go with whatever party seems to follow Cristian morals.I haven't seen any in the democratic party for quite some time.Now who knows when it comes to economics they may have the answer,I am as totally ignorant of what drives the economy as I can be.It's too big for me to understand.I do believe the maxim that if you do what is right and good the rest that is good will follow suit. I also believe the maxim 'If you have a government big enough to give you every thing you want it will also be big enough to take everything you have". I think our nationl anthem has now changed from the "Star Spangle Banner" to AC?DC's "Highway to Hell" and when you put more interest in your wallet then in the golden rule Hell follows on your heels.Somehow I don't think socialism is the answer but then again capitalism isn't either.Monarchy works well if the king cares more for the people then he cares for himself but how often has that happened? I'm for a Thearchy but the Thearch is waiting for the world to request his presence.
Just got done reading and awesome book on the Revolutionary War called George Washingtons War by a guy I think named Leike? What a great start we made with great ideas but broken men will always end up with broken dreams.Good Bye America,I miss you already.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I don't like Obama either, but there's something I can agree with. Why not take this discussion over to the politics forum where it belongs?

That appears to be reserved for NJ politics. As with all things Federal; it goes anywhere, anytime, anyplace ;)


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
that area is really just backyards, some streams but nothing really special. Thought this would have been closer to the cooper by tavistock cc.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
I do believe the maxim that if you do what is right and good the rest that is good will follow suit.

I believe that as well, but I have to confess that it took me a while to come around to it because I know people who have cheated and mistreated people and prospered from their efforts, and that really bothered me. It didn't seem fair, why would God allow this? But I came to understand that God is patient and slow to wrath and gives people an opportunity to repent. I also noticed that the people who persisted in doing evil to others eventually paid a price for their misdeeds.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
It amazes me that those who espouse evolution and millions of years fables and who claim things have been changing,evolving and going extinct for those millions of years are also the ones trying to take every species,subspecies,geographical variation of a subspecies and stop it from changing or going extinct if it can't adapt to environmental changes.They almost let the Florda Panther which is just a florida cougar go extinct because they didn't want to contaminate it's inbred DNA.They finally wised up and started bringing in fresh DNA in the form of Rocky Mtn cougars.If they were so protective of dog DNA we wouldn't have on the canine mutant freaks we have today but then again some of those mutant freaks are quite useful or just plain lovable.I am all for protecting habitat,this is the one liberal side of me.I want all the woods locked up so I have more acres of playground.Not saying it makes sense to lock all them up but as a purely selfish thing I need wilderness,yes I want to see the critters that live there preserved as well but without wilderness I will die and then to me whats it matter what happens to the rest of creation.Personally if I had my way they could wipeout fire ants and I wouldn't shed a tear,throw ticks,chiggers and skeeters right in there with em,politicians and speculators can be added to the pot too.Then again I'm sure there are people who feel the same about bearded hillbillies.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
It amazes me that those who espouse evolution and millions of years fables and who claim things have been changing,evolving and going extinct for those millions of years are also the ones trying to take every species,subspecies,geographical variation of a subspecies and stop it from changing or going extinct if it can't adapt to environmental changes.

Good point. Evolutionists believe in the survival of the fittest. Maybe they should practice what they preach.