Oil in the Pines


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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I know this topic has come up before but can't find the thread. Anyway, while looking for something else I found this NJDEP dataset that shows the location of oil and gas wells drilled in New Jersey. Information on each well is pretty sparse, but there are some interesting locations (shown with blue dots on the map), for example:

Screen Shot 2023-02-25 at 7.48.20 AM.png

You can't link to specific wells, but this is the map. Click on the dots to see the available data.

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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I recall that topic, and I think I said then, as I do now, that is a horrible idea. If something ever happened for that stuff to get into the aquifers it would be a disaster!
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Once I was at one location and will stop by some of the others when in the area. I doubt there is any evidence left at any of the locations.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
It looks like that well out by Menantico was a real thing then? I thought the property owner was pulling a gag. There is a dirt road I use every so often that passes right by it but it's on private property in very open woods behind someones house.. I don't even think we have the geology for oil and gas deposits????How deep would it be.From what I"ve read down this way we're setting on a couple hundred feet of sand.Don't know whats below that.
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Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
I was almost five when the drilling occurred near Milmay, but the stories lingered through my youth of the exploits. Everyone thought they would become rich and the area at the time was impoverished. The father of my best friend clipped several articles on the topic. One from the Vineland Times Journal (dated October 29, 1964), “Wells Spring Up Around Milmay Area,” was written by Thomas P. Flynn. It is subtitled “Drillers Hope to Strike Natural Gas Deep In Ground,” with the sites being “deep in the heart of Milmay.” Another by Corrine Olson of Estell Manor (dated October 31) is titled “Drillers Still Have Hope for Gas Storage Area.” She wrote for several papers, so I’m not sure which paper is excerpted here. Drillers reached a depth of 6000 feet. Both articles are well illustrated and provide detailed coverage. My favorite photo is of “four youngsters from Milmay School…inspect[ing] the mud as it gushes out of the drilling hole.” That two-room schoolhouse is my alma mater, albeit a decade later! I still stare at mud...


New Member
Jan 2, 2021
Along the Jakes Branch
Oil speculation ran through Jackson in the early 1920s; I included an account from the Newark Call that outlined it in one of my Ocean County 100 years ago posts for Toms River Seaport Society, here - https://www.tomsriverseaport.org/news/this-week-in-ocean-county-1922-january-27th

I'd included other news stories about it in other posts, but since Ocean County Library switched over its online news archive to a different setup the search feature is almost entirely useless in finding anything for me to be able to quickly bring those links up. The main link is http://njcourier.theoceancountylibrary.org/

Erik (formerly HeathenClerk here, now Leewardian)
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