Old Bog Jeep'n


Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
There is a nice, almost pristene section of the Old Jobstown Bogs near my place (as ID'd by Tee Gate a while back). This particular section is nearly dry within one of the old bogs and has many mature cedars (some about 60" in circ.).

I always thought of this area as a hike-to spot, never imaging a vechicle would or could get into it. The area sees some atv & trail bike activity on occasion, but not a lot.. and they stay mostly on the old roads/trails. Also a rare hunter now and again on foot.

Recently, I noticed some tracks into the densest and wettest area. Assumed they were atvs cutting new paths (albeit in some seemingly very sensitive areas). But this past weekend, I noticed the headlights of Jeep that was clearly stuck in this section - it may have been stuck all day, but that vehicle and other got out a couple hours after dark.

I've been riding my dual sport bike all over the Pines for the last few years, but stick to the roads. I have not noticed a huge amount of "scaring" in Wharton and held out hope that it was becoming less common. Technically, this area is near, but not part of Wharton.

The first pic here shows an old deerstand (left) and a blue ribbon around a tree (??). The other pics show some fresh Jeep tracks.






Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
This reminds me of the idiots who ride their quads down the middle of my street to get to the trails in the woods behind my house. Most of the riders seem to come from the development on the south side of the main road through my neighborhood. One waved to me the other day when I was out working on my truck so I flipped him the bird in reply. He looked quite confused. They ride day and night up and down the street, and many times I see riders with no helmets. Once I even saw a rider with a person sitting on the handlebars with NO HELMET.

I'm really sick of people who ruin it for the rest of this. It's guys like this asshat who give the overzealous Sierra Club types their ammunition, NOT the 95% of us who follow the rules. :bang:


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There is a nice, almost pristene section of the Old Jobstown Bogs near my place (as ID'd by Tee Gate a while back).

Great photo's of the damage they did..thanks for posting them.

I am a little confused as to when I ID'd the bogs. When was that?



Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
Bogs ID

Great photo's of the damage they did..thanks for posting them.

I am a little confused as to when I ID'd the bogs. When was that?



See here:


I think it was you that at least pointed me to 2 old maps (1860s?) that had these Bogs ID'd as "Jobstown Bogs". I'm still interested in learning more about the history (when were they active, who owned them, etc.), but other than the maps... I have not found any info.

Clearly, they have been idle for 60, 80, or 100 years or more judging from the size of some of the Cedars growing from the floor of the dried bogs. Does anyone know how old a Cedar w/ a 60" circ. is?



Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
Prop ownership

any chance this was done by the property owner? and if so, would you have been trespassing? just playing devils advocate.

Good question and important point (ownership) I should have included the little I know about it.

The land, is "313 Preservation" which I think is township owned land -- It is indeed posted, so I have trespassed to the extent I've gone beyond my property line. Dog walkers, kids, ATVs, bikes, pickup trucks, hunters frequent the area, mostly on weekends-- but as indicated, usually stay on old, established roads/trails. There are private hunting preserves (e.g. West Jersey Bogs) and other private land in the area, but I think the these bogs are township owned.

It might be nice if the state would merge into Wharton (I think they did that with a part of Camp Kettle Run).


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
PinesExpir and All,

If anyone from Medford wants to do some exploring, you might want to check this out. That is if the property is not private. I don’t know the answer to that.



Check out these two maps closely. They are both the same location. You may want to download them. These maps show what was or may still be the general location of buildings or the remains of them. It is right off of the Jackson road at High Bridge near the Jobstown bogs.

Here is the location.




Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
Exploring Bogs

PinesExpir and All,

If anyone from Medford wants to do some exploring, you might want to check this out. That is if the property is not private. I don’t know the answer to that.



Check out these two maps closely. They are both the same location. You may want to download them. These maps show what was or may still be the general location of buildings or the remains of them. It is right off of the Jackson road at High Bridge near the Jobstown bogs.

Here is the location.



Thanks Guy,

You remain the only person ever to be able to provide any useful and intersting information about this area. Those maps are great & news to me regarding how that complex was split (at least named differently).

The area you point to is a few hundred yards closer to Jackson Rd than the area at the begining onf this post, all part of the same old complex. I still believe it is township land, I've followed some trails back to the area you point out, and yes, there are old foundations (well at least one) almost exactly where you circled.

Is there, or was there and actual "High Bridge" (other than the recent development)?

It would be great to have someone join me for a hike back there who knows what to look for and can decipher some of the many clues.

Any takers, say tomorrow at 1:30pm ? Its probably a 20 minute walk from my place. I'll probably be riding in Wharton in the morning given the forecast.

Email me if you want to meet and take a quick hike ecorad@comcast.net
