Old pines documentary?


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
I was reading the thread about people being afraid of the pines at night which turned into people talking about school trips to the pines and whatnot. Does anyone know of a documentary about the pines that may have been shot by NJN in say the late '70s early '80s? Reading that thread made me think about a movie I remember seeing in 4th grade. I remember seeing stuff about the pines themselves as well as the people. One shot that particularly sticks out in my mind was a man playing a fiddle and people dancing (Albert Music Hall maybe?), and the narrorator talking about the people of the pines. Then an older woman was being interviewed and talked about the term "piney" and how it was used among those who lived in the pines, but how it's use was frowned upon by outsiders. Also, the documentary was on film, because I remember watching it on a large screen. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Badfish740 said:
I was reading the thread about people being afraid of the pines at night which turned into people talking about school trips to the pines and whatnot. Does anyone know of a documentary about the pines that may have been shot by NJN in say the late '70s early '80s? Reading that thread made me think about a movie I remember seeing in 4th grade. I remember seeing stuff about the pines themselves as well as the people. One shot that particularly sticks out in my mind was a man playing a fiddle and people dancing (Albert Music Hall maybe?), and the narrorator talking about the people of the pines. Then an older woman was being interviewed and talked about the term "piney" and how it was used among those who lived in the pines, but how it's use was frowned upon by outsiders. Also, the documentary was on film, because I remember watching it on a large screen. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

No but if you find anything post the info. Sounds interesting!



Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Boy, it's amazing what I can find when I get off my lazy butt and do a google search.

Sand in our Shoes
Catalog Number: ASSQ-0001T
Subject: New Jersey Pinelands; New Jersey Culture
Target Audience: Grade 4 to Adult
Produced: 1972
Running Time: Approx. 30 min.
Price: $19.95

The people who live in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey are a unique breed of individual. This documentary is one of NJN's first documentaries on the Pines and is the only one to look exclusively at the philosophy and lifestyle of those people who get the "sand of the Pines" in their shoes and can't leave it behind.

I think this is it...I'll know in about 4 weeks because I just ordered it.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
That is cool. I took out a bunch of videos from the Medford Pinelands library that were, well, interesting. I am pretty sure they didn't have this one. The ones I saw were 80's and maybe late 70's. Let us know how it is.



Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Cool-I'm excited about it now since no one here has heard of it. Since the production date was 1972 I'm almost positive this is it because I had to have seen it around 1989 or 1990 on 16 mm film and it looked pretty dated then. As a (almost) social studies/sociology teacher the cultural aspects of the pines and the people that live there are just as fascinating as the area itself. In my sociology class I'm thinking about a way to work the biased study of the Kallikaks into one of my lessons. Its fun to teach self absorbed North Jerseyans about the pines and see them go wide eyed when you tell them whats located just an hour and half south of them.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
That's a good question now isn't it? lol To be honest I just went back to the website and checked-it doesn't say anything other than its a television program. I guess I got so excited about ordering it I forgot to check. I just assumed it was VHS! I really hope that it is otherwise look for a post from me about asking to borrow a 16 mm film projector :v:


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
This show was just on NJN today on 6/9. I'm sure it will be repeated over the week. On the info bar it's only listed as Documentary so you have to tune in and hope.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
If you have digital cable it's on channel 244 WNJSJ. Every day at 5:00 and 5:30 the have a documentary and NJN Classics. Usually the same one repeats over the week. I have seen the one about the Jersey Devil,one about Washington with a reenactment about Joe Mulliner, a story about an old man who catches snapper turtles and many more. This is currently from my sisters house but I may break down and get the digital here too!