on: pricks 'n 'peckers


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
If you live anywhere in NJ remotely near to the shore, you will be "bugged" monthly, weekly, and/or daily by the real estate mountebanks. These carpetbaggers are in the service of greedy, beady--eyed shoobies from Philadelphia and/or New York who feel they have some "divine right" to buy your property, tear--down your home, subdivide your property "on the cheap"; and erect two--and--one--half story, Camden--style row houses, which will be sold for a perverse profit. The shoobies are not interested in the Shore --- or the people or the flora or fauna that live there: Their only interest is in making a perverse profit! The real estate cretins will only be too happy to find you a new place to live --- at a profit, of course, on your "coming" and "going."

Because New Jersey has the highest number of applications to tear--down existing domiciles, I thought New Jersey had a "patent" on these "pricks" --- W R O N G !!!

It seems that North Carolina has their share of them too. Read the following VERY, VERY SAD STORY on how the greedy pricks have declared "war" on the 'peckers by depriving them of their natural habitat --- essentially promoting the planned demise and ultimate extinction of another species...


I am not a "birder," per se, although I enjoy watching them, and I am not a militant naturalist, but I am very concerned --- quite irate, actually --- at the machinations of the pricks in our society, and by the effects the machinations these few have on the common weal.


In a somewhat related story, someone from Dennis Township would like us to "save dead trees" [?!] as nesting sites for... 'peckers. While this, at first glimspe, might seem to be "doable" --- and not seem to create an environmental problem, upon closer examination, such a program would eventually kill--off most of the trees in our forests thereby negating the whole purpose of the suggested "program"...


How can man and 'peckers survive in a "healthy--forest environment"? Can we drive the pricks to extinction?


Man is his own worst enemy. :jeffd:
[Lat., Nihil inimicius quam sibi ipse.]
- Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short),
Epistoloe ad Atticum (X, 12a, sec. III)