Oswego Lake


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I was looking over Atlas 16 which was one of the maps that Renee, Bob B., and I asked for copies of, and was following the Oswego river up from the Harrisville Pond on the map. All seemed normal where it pictured the pond at Harrisville and Martha, but then I noticed something that surprised me. Maybe it should not have, but it did. NO OSWEGO LAKE!!! It was not there in 1889. It must have been created at a later date.

But I was in for more surprises as I followed the map farther up the river. Sim's Place, and Sim's pond were absent, which was not all that surprising because it probably was created for cranberry production. But the town of Warren Grove was not called that in 1889, it was named Cedar Grove. The town is almost at the source of one of the branches of the Oswego river.



TeeGate said:

I was looking over Atlas 16 which was one of the maps that Renee, Bob B., and I asked for copies of, and was following the Oswego river up from the Harrisville Pond on the map. All seemed normal where it pictured the pond at Harrisville and Martha, but then I noticed something that surprised me. Maybe it should not have, but it did. NO OSWEGO LAKE!!! It was not there in 1889. It must have been created at a later date.

That's interesting. That's one of the lakes of the Pines that I know nothing about. It never occurred to me to wonder why that lake exists. And I do wonder, now that you've brought this up.
On the other hand, I was looking at 2 of those atlas sheets, #s 15 & 16 I think, and found 3 lakes/ponds on those maps that aren't there anymore- Gloucester Lake (Gloucester Furnace), the lake at Weymouth Furnace, and the pond at Speedwell. I love old maps! 8) :D