Oswego Wilds


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
This outstanding weather is a very rare opportunity in August for me to get to the back side of the Oswego River behind the FAA tower in Warren Grove. I want to see what grows there. I'll follow the river to where it joins the big resevoir. I'd rather not go alone, so if anyone wants to join me, we can meet at Lucille's tomorrow morning at 9:00 in Warren Grove. Anyone is welcome.

I imagine to be out no later than 1PM. Will be armored against chiggers, and I'll probably bring Buddy my dog.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
No problem Steve. How many times have I said.."lets do something"..and no one came? Many times. I'll survive. Remember last year during the drought (or was that 2 years ago?), I wanted to walk down the center of the Oswego to Martha from the pump house in just a bathing suit and old sneakers? That is the only time I was truly sorry someone did not join me. I really wanted to do it as a drought like that one is rare.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
It would be going up stream to the resevior from oswego wouldn't it? Then down stream to return. or am I not understanding you right. I almost walked to to that resevior a few weeks back from the tower but didn't make it ( I was not properly prepared at the time). I would like to do it but might be tough on this short of notice. If I am not there by 9:00 don't expect me.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Okay Jeff, I'll look for you, if not there by 9:10, I'll head out. I'm going to bed now. Here is the plan Stan the Man: Start at the tower on north side, drive around to 3pm if north is 12 noon. Go South east to perimeter road that follows stream. Park; walk 1/4 mile south along road, go in to stream, follow and fart around stream for 1/2 mile always heading downstream towards resevoir, then go back to road.
