Out and About Today - 8/11


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
What a gorgeous afternoon for exploring the pines. We covered 45 miles in all, starting at Atsion. We entered on Hampton Rd. and proceeded to the site of the village. Pulled up at the packing house foundation for lunch where we were questioned by a couple of nice rangers. Afterward we explored the foundation ruins and pads in the field at the village site, then drove down Rider's Switch to the tracks and walked out to the trestle.

From there we went back through Hampton Village to High Crossing, and then south on Hampton Gate Rd. All well clear and easily passable roads, little in the way of mud, some loose sand. We hooked north on Mt. Sandy Ridge Rd. for a bit but found it heavily overgrown just a little north of the junction with Bulldozed Rd. Turned around and headed back down Hampton Gate to Hawkin Turnpike and took that north to the camping area. Hawkin Turnpike is heavily overgrown so don't drive up that way if pinstripes bother you.

Just for my forum friends, I'll pass on the word that there is a _huge_ patch of perfectly ripe blueberries on both sides of the Hawkin Turnpike about halfway up. I'm thinking about bringing my kids down next weekend to pick, but these are at such a state of ripeness that I don't know they will last. If you're thinking about picking take a jaunt up that way.

Washington-Speedwell Rd. back down to Washington where we looked at some brick and mortar debris at the Tuckerton Rd./Iron Pipe intersection, nw corner. Was thinking maybe this was the Sooy Place or old tavern. Not sure.

Jogged over to Harrisville and headed north on Callico Rd. Fairly overgrown. From there to Oswego Rd. which opened up nicely. Examined some ruins that James also visited recently, that I thought might be the cement plant. From there to Allen Rd. where we drove north to the range gate and back. Thence over to Pushline Rd. and all the way south on that to Dan's Bridge. Pushline is a beautiful drive, but again heavily overgrown and hostile to automotive finishes.

From Dan's Bridge over to Munion Field Rd. and north to Munion Field where we saw a lot of party litter, as well as some bricks from the old Sayersville S&F works (some of which were being used as a fire pit by partiers). Not much else to see at Munion so we headed back down to Dan's Bridge and followed that west and out of the woods.

One thing of note: it was virtually a tick-free day. I don't know where they all went. Granted we were well doused with Permathrin below the waist, but it just generally seemed like everyone except the little deer flies were on vacation.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nice report. The ticks generally quiet down this time of year, leaving us to yell about the chiggers.

What did the rangers ask?



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
It was kind of humorous. We pulled in next to the packing house ruins and began to get our sandwiches out, when they pulled in right behind. That little road does loop around the ruin, so I walked back and asked the driver as he emerged whether he wanted me to get out of his way. No, he said, I want to know what you're doing.

I told him we were looking around, and getting ready to have lunch. He asked if we had any drugs or alcohol, mentioning that he had seen the cooler in the back of my truck. I said no as he moved up toward the truck and peeked into the back. The way he acted I thought he intended to open the truck up and look inside, and that was going to cause a confrontation, but he just peeked in and then both he and his partner changed attitude from "possible perps" to "just some adults driving around."

Just down the Hampton Rd. a little piece from the village toward Atsion a group of kids were tearing up a bog with a jeep and filming it, and the rangers headed that way, so hopefully they found something more productive to do.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Well, they were at least a presence there. That is good!



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
That's true, and I don't mean to imply they shouldn't be there doing their job. But we were pretty obviously a trio of gray hairs, and his initial approach was a little overboard, I thought, for a public forest. Given all the trash and vandalism I would rather have them there than not, but at the same time, while I have no problem conversing with a ranger about the rules, and similarly have no problem being observed to ensure I comply with them, I don't expect to have to explain my presence on public lands. That's how he came off: as if we needed to explain ourselves to his satisfaction. There's enough old hippy in me to know that isn't the case.

Anyway, as is often the case, the event comes off as much more of a big deal in the retelling. It really was just a three minute non-event.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
That's true, and I don't mean to imply they shouldn't be there doing their job. But we were pretty obviously a trio of gray hairs, and his initial approach was a little overboard, I thought, for a public forest. Given all the trash and vandalism I would rather have them there than not, but at the same time, while I have no problem conversing with a ranger about the rules, and similarly have no problem being observed to ensure I comply with them, I don't expect to have to explain my presence on public lands. That's how he came off: as if we needed to explain ourselves to his satisfaction. There's enough old hippy in me to know that isn't the case.

Anyway, as is often the case, the event comes off as much more of a big deal in the retelling. It really was just a three minute non-event.

I can totally understand where you are comming from.